Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Central Committee Communique

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met at New Delhi on July 30-31, 2022.  It has issued the following statement on August 1THE last four months since the CPI(M)’s  23rd Party Congress concluded have seen a chilling confirmation of the aggressive furthering of the Hindutva agenda of the fascistic RSS combined with the rabid pursuit of neo-liberal reforms, strengthening crony capitalism and the communal-corporate nexus undermining India’s economy and heaping greater unprecedented burdens on the people.RUNAWAY INFLATIONThe unprecedented pr

Neoliberalism, Workers’ Heterogeneity and Class Formation

CREATING heterogeneity of labour through the production process had been the strategic objective of capital since its inception. As capital becomes more concentrated and centralised and acquires greater power it essentially produces its dialectical opposite, heterogeneous labour. In periods of capital’s ascendancy, therefore the heterogeneity of labour and its various categorisation becomes predominant and sometimes these differences are celebrated as post-modern identities that make ‘class’ invisible and irrelevant.

BSNL’s Revival Package: Tall Claims and Bitter Truths

THE government has once again tom-tommed that it would be spending Rs 1.64 lakh crore to revive BSNL. This second revival package was announced on July 27, 2022. The government had already announced a similar revival package for BSNL and MTNL on October 23, 2019, in which the government had promised to spend Rs 70,000 crore for the revival of both the public sector telecom companies. A loud message is being sent to the general public of this country that the government is squandering a huge amount of tax payers’ money, for the so called revival of BSNL.

Anganwadi Adhikar Mahapadav Calls for Jawab Maango Campaign

DEFYING the rains and adverse weather conditions, more than eight thousand anganwadi workers and helpers from Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal sat on ‘Anganwadi Adhikar Mahapadav’ dharna that was organised by the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH), for three continuous days from July 26-28 at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi.This massive all India mobilisation held

WB: Protest against Teacher Recruitment Scam

THOUSANDS of people came into streets demanding the sacking of Partha Chatterjee, minister for industries in West Bengal after his arrest in massive corruption. Chatterjee, former education minister has been arrested by the ED in school teacher recruitment scam involving hundreds of crores of rupees. The scam has already been exposed in the courts, which directed the CBI and ED to investigate.That the TMC ministers and top leaders were involved was a known fact to the people of the state.

TN: Leaders Call for Unity Among Secular Forces to Defeat Communalism

IN a meeting organised by the Tamil Nadu platform for people's unity at Chennai Raja Annamalai Mandram on July 23, leaders of secular parties called for unity among all the secular forces and parties to defeat fascist forces in the country and to save democracy. Speaking on the occasion, senior Congress leader and the former union minister, P Chidambaram said that not only in India but also in all other countries religion is traversing a dangerous political path.MIXING RELIGION WITH POLITICS DANGEROUSHe said: “We should see the atmosphere prevailing now.

TN: Convention against Domestic Violence

TAMIL Nadu is witnessing an increase in domestic violence, according to the recently released National Family Health Survey-5. Concerned over this problem, the CPI(M) Tamil Nadu state committee organised a convention against domestic violence to draw the attention of the state government as well as the general public to it. In order to find remedies to this malady, the convention brought a wider section of social activists under a platform to evolve a plan of action. The convention held on July 19, 2022 had a big participation of activists from various spheres.

Shimla Protests against Incessant Price Hike

THE Shimla town committee held a strong protest demonstration outside the deputy commissioner’s office at Shimla on July 23, 2022, against the incessant price rise of essential commodities and the recent increase in GST values on food items.The speakers lambasted the Modi government for levying tax on essential food articles. They said in the history of 75 years of India’s independence for the first time tax is being levied on items like atta, paneer, rice, milk, curd, gur etc.

Rajasthan: State Convention against Communalism and Anti-People Policies

IN Jaipur, on July 24, 2022, a state-level convention against the politics of communal polarisation and anti-people policies was held in the auditorium of Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan at Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Jaipur.The conference was inaugurated by Tushar Gandhi, the great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.GANDHI’S IDEAS BEING BRUSHED ASIDETushar Gandhi, while considering the current situation of the country in detail, said that people of other countries take inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi but efforts are being made to forget his idea in Gandhi's own country.


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