Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

No Independence to hoist the National Flag

TNUEF survey report exposes bias against dalit presidents of village panchayats“TO leave those disparities untouched and to enact laws relating to economic problems would make a mockery of our Constitution and build a palace on a dunghill.”(From Dr B R Ambedkar's speech in Parliament on October 10, 1951, on his resignation as law minister).The survey conducted by Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication Front brought out shocking facts about how dalit panchayat presidents are subjected to caste bias and oppression.The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments made it co

The American Dream and Democracy in Doldrums

AMERICAN democracy is in the doldrums. The bipartisan functioning of the American system is in shambles. It’s marred by a new phase of internal conflict and political violence. In the aftermath of the attack on US congressman, Lee Zeldin, the government has granted lawmakers $10,000 to beef up security at their homes.A few weeks ago, Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, was subjected to harassment by a man who stood outside her house shouting racist slogans and threatening to kill her.

Comrade Rajeev Jha is no more

RAJEEV Jha, a senior colleague in the editorial team of Loklahar, died of a sudden cardiac arrest on the intervening night of August 10-11. He suffered a massive heart attack suddenly and without any pre-symptoms and did not even get a chance to reach the nearest hospital. He was over 70 years old.Rajiv Jha was born on January 21,  1952, in a well-educated family in Bihar. His father was a doctor and a senior medical administrator.

Betrayal of Adivasis in India@75

THE observance of the historic 75th anniversary of India’s freedom struggle is an occasion to remember the martyrs, the struggles and sacrifices of millions who fought the British colonialists so that India could be free. Among them are the adivasis, the tribals of India.(adivasi/tribal used interchangeably in this text). History books refer to the 1857 armed uprising as the First War of Independence.

Burgeoning Strategic Ties with the United States

THE Modi government is deepening strategic ties with the United States on all fronts.  Three events which took place in the last few weeks highlight this growing proximity to the geopolitical designs of the United States. India has joined a new grouping called the I2U2 in West Asia which consists of four countries – Israel and India (I2), the United States and  United Arab Emirates (U2).  Why India has done so is unfathomable, except to facilitate president Biden’s desperate attempts to assert US influence in the region. Biden is attempting to create an anti-Iran alliance in West Asia and r

Can Argumentative Indians Survive?

IN his famous book, The Argumentative Indian, Prof Amartya Sen traces the most distinguishing characteristic of the people of India, a desire for engaging in arguments, whatever the subject matter. Prof Sen delves deep into the Buddhist tradition and other historical sources to prove his point.  Today, a spine-chilling question stares at us when we are about to complete the first quarter of the 21st century and the 75th anniversary of India’s independence from the British colonial yoke.

Social Justice Still A Mirage after More Than Seven Decades

OUR country is now commemorating 75 years of independence. At this time, it is our misfortune that the BJP, which was never part of the struggle for independence is heading the government that called for the observation of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, all the while working overtime to undermine the noble values of our freedom struggle – democracy, secularism, social justice and federalism. The last eight years of Modi government under the tutelage of fascistic Hindutva communal forces have been a disaster for the country in every respect.

Values of Freedom Struggle and Women in India @ 75

ON August 15, when we unfurl the national flag, we recall that historic midnight session of the Constituent Assembly seventy five years ago when the first national flag that was unfurled over parliament, was handed over to the President Rajendra Prasad by Hansa Mehta, freedom fighter and one of the 15 women members of the Constituent Assembly.  She said “It is in the fitness of things that this first flag that will fly over this august House should be a gift from the women of India…. We have fought, suffered, and sacrificed in the course of our country’s struggle for freedom.


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