Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Kerala: Lakhs of youth joined Freedom Street by DYFI

To protect democracy and secularism, demanding employmentLAKHS of youth joined the 'Freedom Street' event organised by DYFI Kerala at various district centres on independence day. DYFI organised ‘Freedom Streets’ across the state under the slogan 'My India - Where is my job, where is democracy - safeguard secularism'.DYFI central executive committee had given a call for conducting prolonged campaigns and movements within different states against unemployment, one of the major threats India's youth is facing today.

Thousands of Workers Farmers and Agricultural Workers hold Protest Demonstrations

ON August 8, thousands of workers, farmers and agricultural workers protested across the country against the BJP government’s anti-people policies. As per the call given by CITU, AIKS and AIAWU on “Quit India Day”.The protest day was observed by mass mobilisations, conventions, dharnas and demonstrations at district headquarters in the country. The day is being observed jointly by the CITU, AIKS and AIAWU for the last few years to highlight the real issues of the people.

Science and Development after 75 Years of the Indian Republic

A SCIENTIFIC vision—not in the narrow sense of natural sciences—but a larger vision encompassing the social and the natural sciences was very much a part of the national movement. India's struggle for independence was not simply to free itself from British rule. It was also to build a nation that would deliver development to its people. Independence would be bitter indeed if it did not lift people out of the abject poverty into which two centuries of colonial rule had sunk them.

Sanctions and the Decline of the Dollar

THE hegemony of the US dollar was based on the fact that the world’s wealth-holders considered it to be “as good as gold”, even when it was no longer officially convertible to gold at a fixed rate, as it had been under the Bretton Woods system, after the collapse of that system. These wealth-holders were of two kinds: private individuals and institutions, and central banks that held the foreign exchange reserves of their respective countries.

134th Birth Anniversary of Kakababu: New Present Has to Be Built in the Light of Past Traditions

SINCE 1963, we have been observing the birth anniversary of Comrade Muzaffar Ahmad, popularly known to one and all as ‘Kakababu’. We observe his birthday not merely for the sake of remembrance. Our aim is to learn from his efforts in building a movement and forging a struggle, from his giant endeavour to build an organisation from scratch under adverse circumstances with the goals and objectives to build the Communist Party in this country.

US Ignites Taiwan through Pelosi’s Visit

ONE China policy, a policy that recognises Taiwan as an integral part of China is almost universally accepted, including by the US. Not only the governments, but most of the political parties in the world also accept this principle. Hence, irrespective of who wins or loses in elections in their respective countries, the foreign policies of the governments reflect this acceptance to One China policy. In India too, all the major political forces have recognised the One China policy.

Jharkhand: Sanjha Manch, Organises Convention Against Hatred

“OUR common heritage and the glorious tradition of unity in diversity was developed during the freedom movement. Today this heritage is under attack. A conspiracy is being hatched to eradicate the values mentioned in the Preamble of our Constitution,” said Subhashini Ali, Polit Bureau Member of the CPI(M).She was speaking as a keynote speaker at the Jan Convention on August 3, organised by Sanjha Manch at the SDC auditorium in Ranchi.ATMOSPHERE VITIATED BY THE SANGHSubhashini said that the atmosphere in the country has rapidly deteriorated.


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