Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Why Were 1.3 crore Jobs Lost in June?

A PERFECT storm of delayed monsoon, languishing economy and continued inaction of the government on the jobs front has led to an astonishing decline of 1.3 crore from the total number of employed persons in the country in June this year, according to latest CMIE estimates. In May, the number of employed persons were 40.4 crore which plummeted to just 39.1 crore by June end.

UP: State-level Convention of Left and Democratic Parties

ON July 6, 2022, a political convention of representatives of the four Left and democratic parties of Uttar Pradesh, concluded at the state office of the Communist Party of India.Representatives of the CPI(M), CPI, CPI-ML, Forward Bloc and Loktantrik Janata Dal participated in the conference. The meeting was presided over by CPI state secretary, Girish. On this occasion, various speakers said that like the country, Uttar Pradesh is going through the deepest crisis after independence today.

The Advances of the Cuban Revolution

PALPITE, Cuba, is just a few miles away from Playa Girón, along the Bay of Pigs, where the United States attempted to overthrow the Cuban Revolution in 1961. Down a modest street in a small building with a Cuban flag and a large picture of Fidel Castro near the front door, Dr Dayamis Gómez La Rosa sees patients from 8 am to 5 pm. In fact, that is an inaccurate sentence. Dr Dayamis, like most primary care doctors in Cuba, lives above the clinic that she runs.

Scandinavia and Imperialism

THERE are many misconceptions about Scandinavian capitalism. A very common one is the belief that since the Scandinavian countries developed vigorous capitalist economies, without ever having acquired any colonies of their own, they constitute a clear refutation of the claim that capitalist development necessarily requires imperialism.

Puducherry: Cholera Outbreak in Karaikal Signs of Malaise in the Public Health System

WITHIN three months of having been declared “best state”, (during a much publicised visit by the home minister) the union territory of Puducherry found itself battling a sudden, serious outbreak of cholera, in its small enclave of Karaikal. It took the administration almost two months to wake up to the fact that this notifiable disease,  one that has been largely eliminated, was actually spreading fast in the Karaikal region.Apparently, early reports of more than 30 people getting infected with cholera a couple of months back did not come to the attention of the administration.

Despicable NATO

NORTH Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) had its summit in Madrid, Spain in the end of June. It is not just the timing of the summit, but also the outcome that entails significance to the summit. Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea participated together in a NATO summit for the first time. Finland and Sweden were invited to become members of NATO and it was agreed to sign the Accession Protocols.

Field Survey in Manufacturing Hubs Reveals Startling Precariousness of Employment

A WIDE-RANGING field study was conducted by the CITU Centre covering manufacturing hubs in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in collaboration with the CITU state committees. The survey team covered around five manufacturing industrial clusters of Bengaluru and Chennai and had interactive sessions with many groups of workers covering 23 manufacturing industries to capture a deeper understanding of the dynamics of rapidly changing employment relations as well as to mark the composition of workers recruited under different nomenclatures and categories in the same shop floor.


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