
G7: Or Failed Colonial Powers Telling the World What to Do

THE G7 foreign ministers of G7 countries met in London this week and issued a joint statement painting Russia as a malicious actor and China as a bully. It had little substance in its communique, apart from ticking all the “right” boxes in its anti-China and anti-Russia campaign: Uyghur’s, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Crimea, Ukraine. It ended with arrogating to itself the mantle of being the “rules-based international order”, distinct from what the real lawful international order is, the United Nations and the Security Council.

No to Patents on Vaccine

A joint statement was issued by over 33 communist and workers parties across the world on April 19, 2021:THE COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great tragedy for more than a year now. In this period, in many countries, millions of workers have caught the disease, losing their health, their jobs or even their lives. On the other hand, in the same time frame, some companies that have sold the essential needs food, hygienic materials, masks and finally, vaccines, as commodities, have become among the wealthiest in the world.

Zig Zag Politics in Latin America

THE graphs are painful to look at, the surge of cases in Brazil extraordinary, but the surge in other countries (Colombia, Argentina, Mexico) not lagging behind. The focus of attention in Latin America is Covid-19, with many states floundering to manage the spread of the virus, but more so to manage the social chaos it has created.

Myanmar Burning and its Implications

SINCE the military coup in Myanmar in February this year, Myanmar is burning. Thousands of people are on the streets protesting the military coup, the dismissal of democratically elected government and the arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi and her party colleagues. According to latest reports, more than 570 protesters were killed in the police firing to curb these protests using force. At least 2,728 people are said to be arrested and many more are claimed to be missing. No one knows their status.Military coup and governance are not new in Myanmar.

Cuba on the Go

ON March 28, caravans marched in Havana, Cuba and another 50 cities around the world demanding an end to the US-imposed blockade on Cuba. In addition to demanding an end to the blockade, the caravan in Havana was dedicated to thanking the world for the solidarity and opposition to the hostile policies of the US government. The caravans began in Miami, US and were held in many cities in the US and in other continents on the last Sunday of every month, since the last nine months.

CPC Theorises Poverty Alleviation Efforts

THIS year marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) as well as the starting point of a new journey to build a modern socialist China. Declaration of victory over absolute poverty signals the achievement of its strategic goal of building a ‘moderately prosperous society in all respects’.CPC is known for its long-term planning, as well as focusing on medium-term and short-term goals to achieve its strategic goals. The Programme of the CPC states that ‘China is at the primary stage of socialism’, at which it will remain ‘for a long period of time’.

China's Victory over Absolute Poverty

ON February 25, 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that China has achieved a ‘complete victory’ in its fight against poverty, with the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents living under the current poverty line lifted out of poverty. With this, all 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 villages have been removed from the poverty list.

Communist Party of Vietnam – 13th Congress

THE 13th National Party Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) was held in Hanoi from January 26 to February 1, 2021 with the theme: ‘Strengthening the building and rectification of the Party and the political system into purity and strength; rousing the will and determination for national development and promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc in combination with the power of the era; continuing to comprehensively and synchronously accelerate the cause of reform; constructing and firmly safeguarding the Fatherland and maintaining a peaceful and stable environment;

On Recent Developments in Nepal

The recent developments in Nepal have caused a lot of anxiety in Indian people. This article is based on discussions with NCP leaders by CC member, Jogendra Sharma.IN 2018, just before the parliamentary and provincial elections, two streams of Nepalese communist movement namely the CPN(UML) and CPN(Maoist Centre) declared their intent to unify and fight the elections unitedly. This generated a lot of hope and enthusiasm among people of Nepal. The unified Nepal Communist Party got almost two third majority and formed the government at the centre and in six out of seven provinces.


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