
Sitaram Yechury at Oxford Union Debate

AT the Oxford Union, in a prestigious head to head debate, Sitaram Yechury opposed the motion as an Indian patriot against the suspension of article 370, the impact of the suspension in Kashmir and the manner in which it was done. The debate was held on October 29.The motion was defended by one of the vice presidents of the BJP, a former MP, Baijayant Panda.The debate attracted a lot of publicity and was surrounded by controversy before it started.

Peoples’ Wrath to Regain the Sense of Hope

PEOPLE around the world are up in protests, giving vent to their growing resentment. In Chile, what ignited the protests were the increase in metro fare by four cents; in Lebanon, it was the $6 monthly tax on Whatsapp calls; in Iraq, they began calling for an end to corruption, improved basic services and more jobs; in Haiti, they started against corruption, high inflation, fuel prices, and food shortages.

Results Notwithstanding, Portuguese Communists Vow to Intensify Class Struggles

PORTUGAL, Austria and Poland had elections to their respective parliaments recently. While the Social Democrats were victorious in Portugal, Conservatives won in Austria and Poland. A noteworthy feature is the decrease in the vote share of the far-right party in Austria, a coalition partner of the Conservatives in the previous government; the entry of Left into Polish parliament and the marginal setback to the Left parties in Portugal.In Austria, the ruling Conservative Austrian People's Party won 37.5 per cent of the votes, retaining power.

Fidel, the most visionary Cuban of the 20th century

On the occasion of the anniversary of Fidel’s birth (August 13), excerpts from a speech by First Secretary of Communist Party of Cuba Raúl Castro Ruz, December 3, 2016FIDEL’s authority and his close relationship with the people were key to the country’s heroic resistance during the dramatic years of the Special Period…At that time few in the world would have bet on our ability to resist and overcome in the face of adversity and the intensification of the enemy blockade.

Ninth Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Solidarity With Cuba

THE ninth Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Solidarity with Cuba, was held in Kathmandu, Nepal on July 26-28, 2019. 154 delegates, including the 35 delegates from India, from 15 countries representing different progressive forces in the region gathered together in solidarity with Cuba while the world is preparing to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the heroic Cuban revolution.

ILO Supports Political Right-wingers, Opposes Hike in Workers’ Wage in Venezuela

THE International Labour Organization (ILO) became a part of the Modi government-appointed so-called expert committee deciding on the methodology of calculation and fixing national minimum wage in India. In the process, it conveniently ignored all existing tripartite forums and existing laws, including a Supreme Court judgement. It is the 15TH Indian Labour Conference (ILC) which decided on the method of calculation of minimum wages, which the Supreme Court approved giving it a legal foundation.

US: Yet another Attempt to Strangulate Cuba

THE US had invoked the Title III of Helms-Burton Act on Cuba for the first time since its enactment in 1996. This is yet another attempt by the US to subjugate Cuba and run its dictates on the socialist country. The US ruling establishment thinks that it can decisively come out of the global economic crisis only by capturing the natural resources and markets of all the developing countries. It is with this objective that the US hawks are flying to all the corners of the world.


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