
Afghanistan: Caught between Poverty and Possibility

THE future of Afghanistan will be determined not only in Kabul, where the Taliban is now firmly in power but also in places such as the Wakhan Corridor. A narrow strip of land that runs along the northern fringe of Afghanistan, the Corridor was formed in 1893 as a buffer between the Tsarist empire of Russia and the British empire of India. It is sparsely populated, its roughly 15,000 Wakhi (Kyrgyz) residents reliant upon adventure tourism.

Venezuela and the Re-Emergence Of Sovereignty in the Americas

ON September 22, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro appeared at the United Nations General Assembly via a pre-recorded speech. He appeared there after a month of successfully challenging the attempt by the United States of America to isolate Venezuela politically and suffocate it economically. “It is possible to confront imperial aggressions,” Maduro said in a measured tone.

All these Military Alliances in Indo-Pacific

THE impact of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is slowly being felt on geo-politics. NATO allies of the US, mostly from Europe, felt betrayed by the US decision, as they were not consulted. Rubbing salt over these injuries is the announcement of a new defence arrangement between the US, UK and Australia, termed as AUKUS. Coincidentally, within a day of the announcement of the AUKUS, the EU had come out with its own strategic document on the Indo-Pacific. Few days from now, a meeting of the Quad group, consisting of US, Japan, Australia and India, is scheduled in the US.

Int'l: Solidarity Messages against Anti-communist Violence in Tripura

COMMUNIST PARTY OF GREECE, KKETHE KKE strongly denounces the upsurge in anti-communist violence in the Indian state of Tripura, aimed at cadres of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), their houses, and Party offices and resulting in more than 100 injured people.Armed groups of supporters of Prime Minister Modi’s ruling party, BJP, seem to be responsible for this unacceptable and reprehensible event.

A War in Mozambique to Protect the Interests of Big Energy

ON February 18, 2010, Anadarko Moçambique – a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum (bought by Occidental Petroleum in 2019) – discovered a massive natural gas field in the Rovuma Basin off the coast of northern Mozambique. Over the next few years, some of the world’s largest energy corporations flocked to Cabo Delgado province, where the basin is located. These included corporations like France’s TotalEnergies SE (which bought Anadarko’s project) and the United States’ ExxonMobil.

The United States is the Greatest Scofflaw

THERE are 35 countries in the American hemisphere, from Canada – the largest by area – to St. Kitts and Nevis – the smallest by area. Almost one billion people live in the Americas, with the largest country by population being the United States (with 329 million people). Each of the countries in the Americas is a member of the United Nations (UN), 35 out of 193 countries, and all of them have ratified its charter; all 35 members have ratified the Charter of the Organisation of American States (OAS).

The Fragility of US Imperialism

ON August 15, the Taliban seized Kabul with barely any gunfire. The Afghan National Army (ANA) – trained with $88 billion from the United States – faded into the byways, unwilling to fight the Taliban troops. Afghanistan’s president – the former World Bank official Ashraf Ghani – boarded a flight out of the country as soon as the Taliban stepped into greater Kabul; he was not going to lead any fight to defend his government. The previous day, when it was already clear that the Taliban would seize power, US president Joe Biden conceded that the United States had lost the war.

International Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution

WHEN news arrived on July 11, 2021 in Havana, Cuba, of protests in the Cuban town of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba’s President Miguel Díaz-Canel arrived there by the afternoon, met with the protestors and talked with them about their frustrations. Dissatisfaction is normal in any society, particularly during the uncertainty of the pandemic with the economic problems it has exacerbated.


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