Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Gig Work: Techno-normative Control and Rising Precarity

GIG work has emerged as a significant mode of employment within the platform economy. Technology platforms allow a new work form where people can join the labour market by simply accessing an application that happens to be the site where consumers, employers and workers virtually meet. Platform-based work encompasses different modes of crowd work where individual service providers can meet their clients through the internet and sell services as required.

Fight to Save LIC

SLOGAN of the LIC Agents’ Organisation of India (LICAOI) is ‘Save LIC and protect Agents’.

The present asset of LIC is Rs 38 lakh crore as against capital of mere Rs 5 crore by the government. The total dividend paid to the government including this year was Rs 31,663 crores.

Towards the 23rd Congress: A Strengthened CPI(M) is Essential for the Fight against the Hindutva-Corporate Regime

THE 23rd Congress of the CPI(M) is being held at Kannur in Kerala from April 6-10. The Party Congress will set out the political direction of the Party for the next three years.The draft Political Resolution which was released more than two months ago by the Central Committee has been discussed at all levels of the Party. It will be finally taken up at the Congress for adoption after discussion by the delegates.

Militant Struggles in the Coming Days

CPI(M) WEST Bengal state 26th conference has called upon the Party workers to be ready for militant struggles in the coming days. The Party will forge ahead with indomitable courage and highest sacrifice, deepening the link with the working people and strengthening the independent strength of the Party.The state conference was held on March 15-17, at Kolkata’s Promode Dasgupta Bhavan (Comrade Nirupam Sen Nagar, Comrade Shyamal Chakraborty Manch).

Water a Right not just a Need

Watersheds come in families; nested levels of intimacy. On the grandest scale, the hydrologic web is like all humanity ----- Serbs, Russians, Koyukon Indians, Amish, the billion lives in the People’s Republic of China-----its broadly troubled, but it’s hard to know how to help. As you work upstream toward home, you’re more closely related. The big river is like your nation, a little out of hand. The lake is your cousin. The creek is your sister. The pond is her child.


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