Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

The Indian Economy is Heading for a Stationary State

ADAM Smith and David Ricardo had been haunted by the idea of capitalism ending up in a “stationary state”, by which they meant a stable state of zero growth. Marx used the term “simple reproduction” to describe such a state, where there is no net addition to production capacity and the economy just reproduces itself at the same level period after period. The Indian economy appears headed for such a state.The Modi government’s propaganda machine, as usual, is working overtime to paint a rosy picture of the economy; but the reality is the very opposite.

Telangana: The Struggle for House Sites

IT is usually said that everyone is equal before the law. But reality teaches us something else. In practice we find that law is not equal for the big and the mighty and the poor and vulnerable. If big people occupy government lands, the government tries to regularise them by bringing special government orders.  But if poor people demand 30 yards of land, they are branded as encroachers and their houses are razed to ground with bulldozers and their houses are set on fire to create fear.

Comrade Virender Singh

COMRADE Virender Singh, manager of Party’s central organs – People's Democracy, and Loklahar passed away on June 4, at a hospital in New Delhi. He was battling cancer for the last one and a half years.Comrade Virender was born on March 17, 1957, in Chimni village of Rohtak district, in Haryana. He did his schooling in the village itself and completed his graduation from Satzinda Kalyana College in Kalanaur.

Protests against Price Rise

Telangana: Left Parties Protest against Price RiseFOLLOWING the all India call of the Left parties, protests were held across Telangana by ten Left parties in the state from May 25-31, against the rise in prices of petrol, diesel, cooking gas and other essential commodities. On May 27, dharnas and protest rallies were conducted at mandal headquarters and on May 30, dharnas were held at district collectorates.


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