Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Why Climate Change Often Hits Women Harder Than Men

Stronger weather extremes prove particularly damaging for women and worsen existing inequalities, scientists have shown A cyclone that ripped through low-lying fishing communities. A wildfire that turned the sky red with embers and black with smoke. A drought that ravaged crops and pushed grain prices higher.  What weather extremes like these have in common is not just that burning fossil fuels makes them stronger — it's that they hit men and women in wildly different ways. In Bangladesh, nine times more women than men were killed when Cyclone Gorki battered coasts in 1991.

TN: Movement for Special Act to Prevent Honour Killings

The Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication Front (TNUEF), in association with other dalit organisations in the state, has organised a series of programmes across the state to garner public support for a special Act to prevent honour killings which are rising in recent years in the state. As part of it, they organised a state-wide demonstration programme on May 28.CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Subhashini Ali, speaking at a demonstration held at Saidapet, Chennai, stressed the need for a special Act to prevent social evils like honour killings.

Tripura: CITU State Conference Vows to Fight Hard

THE 15th state conference of Tripura committee of CITU was held at Agartala on May 28-29, 2022 with great enthusiasm and took a vow to fight hard against the anti-worker and anti-people policies of the government. On the opening day, a huge procession was organised on the city roads of Agartala in which people from different walks of life participated. Girls from tea estate worker families, performing jhumur dance in front of the procession from the start till the end marked the fighting spirit of the people.

At The Call of Left Parties: Against Price Rise

Following the call of the Left parties to launch united and concerted nationwide struggles against price rise and unemployment, between May 25-31, various forms of protests were held across the country. Below we publish some of the reports received as we go to press.Tamil Nadu: THE CPI(M) Tamil Nadu state committee held protests across the state from May 25 to 31 against the Modi-led Union government, as per the call given by the Left parties.

Cryptocurrencies Must Die

AFTER the relentless hype about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Solana, Dogecoin, LUNA, etc., for the last couple of years, we are now witnessing their complete meltdown. The hype was primarily driven by eye-popping increases in valuations of all the major cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin had gone from around USD 4,000 to USD 64,000, a sixteen fold increase, in 20 months. Other cryptocurrencies had even more ridiculous price increases in the same time period – Ethereum had a 50 fold increase, Solana 500 times, and LUNA had a 1,000 times increase.

Cryptocurrencies Must Die

AFTER the relentless hype about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Solana, Dogecoin, LUNA, etc., for the last couple of years, we are now witnessing their complete meltdown. The hype was primarily driven by eye-popping increases in valuations of all the major cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin had gone from around USD 4,000 to USD 64,000, a sixteen fold increase, in 20 months. Other cryptocurrencies had even more ridiculous price increases in the same time period – Ethereum had a 50 fold increase, Solana 500 times, and LUNA had a 1,000 times increase.

Outcomes of the QUAD Meeting

THE month of May ended with a flurry of diplomatic activity from the US side in the Asia-Pacific region. Starting from US President Joe Biden, US administration officials made a beeline to our part of the world. Apart from his bilateral visits to Japan and Republic of Korea (RoK, South Korea), Biden’s time was occupied in meeting the leaders of Quad in Tokyo, launching a new initiative – the Indo-Pacific Economic Forum for Prosperity (IPEF). Given the war in Ukraine and NATO’s involvement, it is natural to be surprised with this high-level flurry of US activities in the region.

Neo-Liberalism and Anti-Inflationary Policy

CENTRAL banks all over the capitalist world are raising, or are about to raise, interest rates as a means of countering the currently rampant inflation, which is certain to push a world economy that is barely recovering from the effect of the pandemic, back towards stagnation and greater unemployment.Of course the Federal Reserve Board of the US which sets the standard in this respect for all other central banks, claims otherwise.

Karnataka: ‘Politics of Exclusion is Harmful’

K T JALEEL, former Kerala higher education minister, highlighted the importance of fighting communal ghettoisation and polarisation. “We should not allow India to be turned into a country like Pakistan. Secularism is India’s oxygen. Without secularism India ceases to exist,” he asserted.  “Our nation is a secular country. India is inclusive of everyone. This tradition of secularism is what safeguards the Indian republic. India cannot progress if it segregates a community,” he added.

Fiscally Neutral UBI & Growing Corporate Tax Concessions: A Deceitful Paradox

THE “State of Inequality in India Report”, by the economic advisory council to the prime minister (EAC-PM), was released on May 18, 2022. The report prepared by the government body itself has highlighted that while the top 10 per cent of the Indian population accounts for one-third of all incomes earned, the income share of self-employed workers who are also the highest in number among the whole employed categories (45.78 per cent), happens to be the lowest.


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