Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

In WTO’s Geneva Ministerial Death Trumps Life

THE UNAIDs executive director, Winnie Byanyima had appealed before the 12th WTO Ministerial of WTO in Geneva that the world would face a grim future if patent waivers did not take place. At a press conference, Byanyima had said, "In a pandemic, sharing technology is life or death, and we are choosing death," In the 12th Ministerial of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which ended on June 17th, the rich countries did precisely that. They blocked almost all possibilities of providing cheap vaccines, anti-virals and diagnostics for the world.

Victorious Struggle of the Homeless Poor in Chennai

CENTRAL Chennai district committee of the CPI(M) scored a decisive and path-breaking victory in clinching the rights of the poorest of the working-class people living in the heart of Chennai city after a two-year-long struggle. The historic struggle of the people has resulted in the overturning of several anti-people government orders notified by the previous AIADMK government.

Colombia Votes in Its First Left Government

ON June 19, 2022, long lines brought 39 million Colombian (out of a population of 51 million) to vote in their presidential election. In rural areas, where the vote is often suppressed due to desolation or violence, the lines seemed longest. People took great risks – against threats from paramilitary groups and narco-mafias – to stand in these queues and choose between two very different political projects: an old project that favoured the old hierarchies that have ruled Colombia since the 19th century, and a new project that favours the development of democracy and social equality.

Coffee Farmers’ meeting – call for forming Coffee Farmers’ Federation of India: ‘Coffee is our livelihood’

ALL India Kisan Sabha and P Sundarayya Memorial Trust jointly organised an all-India meeting and a public seminar of coffee farmers on June 11-12, 2022, at Virajpet, Karnataka. Leaders of coffee farmers from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka along with the trade union leaders from the plantation sector and various experts from the Coffee Board of India, coffee industry and research institutions converged to discuss the challenges and possibilities in the coffee sector.   Vijoo Krishnan, joint secretary of AIKS inaugurated the meeting.

Assam: Protests against Agnipath Scheme: CPI(M) Condemns Police Crackdown

THE police administration in Assam launched a crackdown against the leaders and leading activists of the SFI, DYFI and the AIKS with the aim to suppress peaceful democratic protests against the centre’s Agnipath scheme. The three organisations had given a joint call to stage protest demonstrations against the scheme on June 20. However, the police started to detain leaders of these mass organisations well in advance to foil their democratic protests.

Kerala: Congress and Muslim League Blinded by the BJP- Media smokescreen

THE utter falsity of the recent “revelations of Swapna” is obvious to anyone with common sense and needs no particular defence. Despite this, I am compelled to pen this note for the following reasons. A section of the press is celebrating Swapna’s concocted story for the past one week, projecting her ‘revelations’, as gospel truths. The Congress, Muslim League and BJP have unleashed violent protests lapping up the motivated media propaganda. It is possible that some gullible people could be misled by the orchestrated campaign unless the truth is told.

‘Agnipath’ a Frontal Attack on Rural India

MODI promised one-rank-one-pension (OROP) to the armed forces personnel in his quest to capture Delhi in 2014. After  eight years all he has ended up giving is no-rank-no-pension (NRNP). He has administered another rude shock to the Indian armed forces by launching the ‘Agnipath’ scheme of recruiting  46,000 soldiers for a short period of 4 years.The maverick policy thrust down the institution's throat has left the armed forces leadership in a state of stupor and sent shock waves through rural India.

From Siachen to Agnipath: Unravelling of the Pseudo-Patriotic Narrative

IT was half a century back. The Indian government headed by Indira Gandhi had made up its mind to extend full military support to the Bangladesh liberation struggle in 1971. A substantial political stake was involved to go for an early strike. But before starting the campaign, the then PM summoned the army chief, (the only field Marshall so far from the Indian army) Sam Manekshaw. The general put his foot down on operational grounds. He clearly stated that the army needs at least six months to attain military preparedness for a successful campaign. The prime minister had to relent.


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