Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Election Commission Needs Reforms

SOME of the recent positions and steps taken by the Election Commission (EC) of India do no credit to its well-earned reputation of being an impartial arbiter and supervisor of free and fair elections, a role vested in it by the Indian Constitution.In the last few years, particularly after the Modi government came back to power for a second term, the EC is seen increasingly to acquiesce to the wishes of the government and has even resiled from some of the independent positions it had earlier adopted.Some recent instances highlight this unfortunate trend.

United in the Struggle against Exploitation

THE 22nd International Meeting of the Communist and Workers Parties (IMCWP) gave a clarion call to launch united campaigns against oppressive and exploitative policies of imperialism and capitalism. 145 representatives of 78 Communist and Workers parties from 60 countries participated in the 22nd IMCWP, held for the first time in the heroic Cuba. The IMCWP session was held in Havana, the capital city of Cuba on October 28-29, 2022.

WB: October Revolution It keeps Inspiring the World

CPI (M) West Bengal state committee organised a discussion on the ‘October Revolution: The Impact and the Chinese Way towards Socialism’ on November 7, at Pramode Dasgupta Bhavan (Kolkata district centre of the Party). The meeting was held after a daylong observation of the October Revolution at various places all over the state. Polit Bureau member Surjyakanta Mishra was the main speaker. Biman Basu presided over the meeting.Surjyakanta Mishra explained the importance of October Revolution and its relevance even to this day.

National Convention Calls for United Action to Protect Dalit Rights

HUNDREDS of people from across India gathered at HKS Surjeet Bhavan in New Delhi on November 5 for a day long national convention against growing attacks on dalits. The convention was jointly organised by Dalit Shoshan Mukti Much (DSMM), All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU), All India Dalit Rights Movement (AIDRM), Bharatiya Kisan Mazdoor Union (BKMU) and All India Agricultural and Rural Labour Association (AIARLA).

Economics and Dishonesty

ECONOMICS is a subject where the ruling classes are forever trying to promote ideologically-motivated explanations in lieu of scientific ones. These explanations of course can be, and have been, fitted into an integrated totality of an alternative non-scientific theoretical structure that Marx had called “vulgar economy” as distinct from classical political economy.

J&K: AIKS State Conference at Srinagar

JAMMU & Kashmir Kisan Tehreek, an affiliate of the All India Kisan Sabha, held its day-long seventh Kashmir regional conference at Srinagar, Kashmir, on November 3, 2022. It was attended by 130 delegates from all the ten districts of the region. The J&K membership this year is 25,000, which is commendable considering the grave political challenges in Kashmir. The conference was attended by AIKS president Ashok Dhawale.The conference began with a flag hoisting ceremony by Zahoor Ahmad. The condolence resolution was placed by Ghulam Mohiudin Lone.

Review Widespread Concerns on EWS

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 9THE CPI(M) shares the widespread concern over the split judgment of the Supreme Court on reservation for economically weaker sections. The CPI(M) is not opposed to reservation for EWS in education and jobs, per se. But the Supreme Court order raises certain major questions which need to addressed.CPI(M) has always questioned the criteria to define EWS.

Kerala: Ordinance to Appoint Persons of Academic Excellence as Chancellor

KERALA cabinet has decided on November 9 to promulgate an ordinance to appoint eminent people with academic excellence to the post of chancellor of the universities. The government would draft a proposal in this regard and approach the governor to promulgate the ordinance. The proposed ordinance will allow for amending the university statutes to remove the governor from the post of chancellor of all 14 universities in the state.“The ordinance is meant to amend the university rules pertaining to the post of chancellor of the universities in the state.

Transforming the Library

WHILE Kerala can be proud of the large number of functioning public libraries in India, Kannur district located in the north of the state has the distinction of ranking first in the state with more than a thousand libraries.  Kannur has thus become the logical place of choice for holding this first Indian Library Congress from January 1-3, 2023.Kerala has pioneered the growth of the public library through popular participation for more than a century, taking this institution beyond the confines of universities, state repositories and privately held book collections.


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