Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

The New Cold War Endangers The People of Northeast Asia

ON November 13, 2022, US President Joe Biden met with Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The focus of their public remarks was North Korea. ‘For years’, Biden said, ‘our countries have been engaged in a trilateral cooperation out of a shared concern for the nuclear and missile threats North Korea poses to our people’. Kishida concurred, worrying that the tension in the Sea of Japan would continue.

CPC 20th Congress: Only a Good Blacksmith can Forge Good Steel

THE first group study session of the CPC Polit Bureau held on October 25 (two days after the conclusion of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China) deliberated on the regulations for strengthening and safeguarding the Party Central Committee's ‘centralised, unified leadership’, and the detailed rules for the implementation of the eight-point decision on work conduct.The very next day (October 26), Xi Jinping led members of the Standing Committee of the Polit Bureau to visit Yan'an, an old revolutionary base in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

Comrade Manik Biswas

COMRADE Manik Biswas, CPI(M) Tripura state committee member, secretary of Udaipur sub-divisional committee and a dedicated leader of peasant and agricultural workers died on November 14, 2022 at GBP Cancer Hospital, Agartala. He was 71 and unmarried.Comrade Manik Biswas was diagnosed with cancer in 2016.

Kerala: BJP Governor against the LDF Govt

“With the Narendra Modi-led government at the centre...some governors are behaving like independent agents, although their role is to be advised by the executive and to discharge fixed duties.”                                                         The Telegraph, October 28“Kerala Governor’s...words and actions do not behove the office he occupies.

Workers’ Party Korea: Five Aspects of Party Building in New Era

ON October 17, Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and president of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave a commemorative lecture at the central cadres training school of the WPK on the ‘Orientation of the Building of Our Party in the New Era and the Tasks of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea’.

Gujarat: SFI Holds State Conference

AFTER a long hiatus of 33 years, the state Conference of SFI's Gujarat state unit was held on November 6, 2022 in Ahmedabad and it was SFI Gujarat's third state conference. The second conference of SFI Gujarat was held at Sidhpur (Patan) on January 31-February 1, 1989. The third conference was inaugurated by V P Sanu SFI, all India president and Nitheesh Narayanan, SFI central secretariat member. Arun Mehta, CITU Gujarat state secretary and Hitendra Bhatt, AIIEA joint secretary, Satish Parmar, CITU Gujarat state president had extended revolutionary greetings to the SFI conference. 

American Democracy in Doldrums

DESPITE inflation hovering above 8 per cent, the American voters have not really focused on the performance of the sitting president in the 2022 US mid-term elections. Breaking away from the norm of punishing the sitting president’s party, the electorate has voted tactically to defeat the possibility of the return of Donald Trump.

Socialism and Emancipation of Labour

MARX’S unique concept of ‘mode of production’ implies production not in the narrow technological sense but a comprehensive unity of concrete relations between humans and nature captured by means of production and that between human beings themselves who consciously participate in the social processes of production defining production relations.Mode of production as a conceptual category helps us analyse the empirical regularities of history.

AIFAWH PROTESTS ON CHILDREN’S DAY, NOV 14: ‘No More Bhajans; We Want Food and Infrastructure’

THOUSANDS of anganwadi workers and helpers protested throughout the country on Children’s Day, November 14, 2022 demanding food, infrastructure and integrated child development.Due to continuous cuts in budget allocations and unprecedented price rise in the last couple of years, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme has been severely affected. Food supply to anganwadi centres has been reduced by upto 30-40 per cent in many states including Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar.


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