Working Class Issues

Sixteenth All India Conference of CITU: Scale Up Struggles Change Policies

THE 16th conference of CITU concluded on January 27, 2020 with thunderous slogans announcing the determination of the around 2000 delegates to defeat the neoliberal policies of the BJP led government and the divisive disruptive agenda of the RSS mentored BJP. The conference was held with the slogan ‘Scale up Struggles. Change Policies’.The 16th conference was held in the Golden Jubilee year of the foundation of CITU as well as the centenary of the foundation of the first national trade union centre in our country.

CITU Conference Call: Unite in Struggle to Reclaim what is rightfully ours

THE historic juncture in which the 16th all India conference of CITU began on January 23 in Chennai, was ringing loud and clear. In the backdrop of breathless mounting of attacks on the lives and livelihood of the toiling people and on their hard-won rights for collective bargaining on the one hand, and on the other, the building resistance all across the country to fight back these attacks, specially the magnificent All India General Strike held just two weeks back – the challenges before the conference are clear and grave.

CITU Denounces Govt Move to End Provisions of Captive Mining of Coal

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on January 9, has condemned the retrograde decision of the central government to promulgate ordinance to amend further the Mines & Mineral Development (Development & Regulation) Act and Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act (MMDR Act and CMSP Act) with the purpose of ending the very concept of captive mining of coal to meet the raw material needs of certain crucial industries like steel, power, aluminum, fertilizers etc for which coal is an essential raw material.Such a decision will be disastrous for the concerned industries wh

The Role of the Working Class

THE joint trade union movement of India has given a call for country wide general strike on January 8, 2020. This will be the nineteenth strike called by the joint trade union movement since the formal introduction of neoliberal policies in our country.The sweep, the coverage of issues and the spectrum of participation in successive strikes have been continuously widening. Workers who are not members of any central trade unions have also been participating in the strikes.

Industrial Relations Code is for Capital to Maximise Profits

THE Industrial Relations Code, 2019 has been introduced in Lok Sabha in the ongoing session. It seeks to replace three important labour laws – the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; the Trade Unions Act, 1926; and the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946. The BJP government, in its first tenure itself, mooted this bill, and uploaded it on the labour ministry’s website, in April 2015. The draft was then circulated among the central trade unions in October.

Onwards to the General Strike on Jan 8

THE CPI(M) has given a call to observe the entire month of December against the privatisation drive of the BJP government led by Modi and to create massive public support for the country wide general strike on January 8, 2020. One of the major demands raised by the trade unions that called for the general strike is to stop privatisation of the public sector undertakings which are the wealth of the nation.

Anganwadi Workers Protest in Karnataka

THIRTY thousand anganwadi workers from all over Karnataka, gathered at Tumkur on December 10 for a padayatra to Bangalore. They were prevented by hundreds of policemen deployed. But anganwadi workers refused to budge and stayed at the Glass House Maidan and other maidans of Tumkur where they had gathered.  They stayed over the night on December 10th in the maidans against the police demand to disperse, and cooked for dinner.

Construction Workers March to Parliament

AT the call of Construction Workers’ Federation of India (CWFI), around 15,000 construction industry workers from all over the country converged at the national capital and marched to the Parliament Street on December 5 and organised powerful demonstrations holding high red flags, festoons, banners and demand bearing placards.It was the culmination of a three-month-long massive signature campaign covering every nook and corner of the country under the banner ‘Petition to speaker, Lok Sabha with one crore mass signatures’.


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