Working Class Issues

Central Trade Unions also lend support to JNU students

ON November 19, joint platform of central trade unions comprising INTUC,   AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, LPF, SEWA, UTUC, AICCTU, TUCC and    MEC has strongly condemned condemns the police action against the JNU students during their Parliament march. In this police action many students have sustained serious injuries and women students have been assaulted by male constables. We demand that action be taken against the police officials responsible for such an action.

Code on Social Security: An Attempt to Dismantle Workers’ Social Security

THE third version of the Code on Social Security 2019, which will subsume eight laws related to social security of both organised as well as unorganised workers, has been circulated for stakeholders’ consultations on September 17. The CITU has raised serious objection to this codification exercise being undertaken on pretext of “universalizing” social security benefit as it unleashes a frontal attack on all social security schemes meant for workers.

CITU Condemns Massive Retrenchment of IT Employees

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on November 6, has expressed deep concern at the mass retrenchments of employees in the IT sector. IT majors like Cognizant, Infosys, and Capgemini have reportedly announced retrenchment of thousands of workers. While Capgemini has already laid off around 5000 workers, Cognizant is reported to be laying off 7000 of its workers.

Oil & Petroleum Workers’ Strike on Nov 28

A NATIONAL Convention of Oil & Petroleum workers organised by the trade unions of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Oil India Limited (OIL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) was held in Mumbai on October 26. Around 350 union workers from these oil public sector undertakings (PSUs), from all over the country, participated in the convention and resolved to protest against the move to privatise oil PSUs in the country.

Telangana: Transport Corporation Employees on Strike Since Oct 5

TELANGANA State Road Transport Corporation employees have been on strike since October 5, but there is no resolution in sight due to the government’s irresponsible stand and unilateral action. All opposition mass organisations, parties, and employees, teachers and workers’ unions have announced their support and solidarity. The protests have been continuing in many ways. The RTC Joint Action Committee has announced the future course of action. All parties, including the CPI(M), have agreed to participate in the programme in support of the strike and make it a success.

Rate Cuts will not reverse Slowdown

THE Bank Employees Federation of India(BEFI) has stated that the interest rate cuts will not reverse the slowdown presently witnessed in the country. Reacting to the bimonthly policy statement of the RBI released on October 4, the BEFI issued the statement.The BEFI has stated, “Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Reserve Bank of India, on  October 4 has reduced the key bank rate or the rate at which the RBI lends to banks for the fifth time in a row since February, till now by 1.35 per cent bringing it to 5.15 per cent and intends to continue further cuts to revive growth in the economy.

Stop Eviction of JNUSU from its Office

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on October 16, has strongly condemned the totally authoritarian move by the Jawaharlal Nehru University administration, with active connivance of the BJP government at the centre, to evict the students union of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from the office allotted to it. On 15th October 2019, the Dean of students issued an atrocious notice stating that the JNU Student Union has to vacate the JNUSU office by 5pm today ( 16th October 2019) and that they would “double lock” the room immediately.


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