Working Class Issues

Appalled at Utter Insensitivity of the Government, CITU makes 8 demands

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) expressed its grave concern at the alarming spread and intensity of the second wave of Covid 19. It said that the country is facing the worst health crisis and is appalled at the total unpreparedness and utter insensitivity of the government to meet this second countrywide surge.The CITU slammed the government for failing to assure migrant workers of protecting their jobs, incomes and residences and instead the finance minister has assured the industry that there would not be full lockdown.

CITU May Day Manifesto 2021

ON this May Day 2021, CITUSalutes the working class and all sections of toiling people across the world who, suffering huge personal losses and risking their own lives have been striving to bring the economy back on wheels and safeguard the lives of others.Condoles the families and friends of the millions who lost their lives due to the Covid 19 pandemic.On this May Day, CITUExtends fraternal solidarity to the workers and working people all over the world, who are bravely fighting the Covid pandemic on the one hand and the attacks of the ruling classes and their agents in governance on thei

CITU Supports Indefinite Strike by KSRTC Workers

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on April 14, has extended full support to the ongoing strike by the state transport workers in Karnataka (KSRTC) demanding immediate settlement of their long-overdue wage revision. The workers and their unions made all efforts to resolve the issue through more than a year long persuasion with the concerned authorities and the state government.

Stop Robbing Savings of Common People: CITU

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions(CITU), in a statement issued on April 1, condemned the hasty move of the central government in announcing a sharp reduction in all small savings instruments including Public Provident Fund (PPF), Kisan Vikas Patra and other term deposits through a notification. CITU also noted the hurried announcement, later by the finance ministry saying that such announcement on interest rate cut has been done by mistake ‘due to oversight’ with a clear intent to avoid criticism in the run-up to assembly elections.

Resist the Sell-Out of Public Assets: CITU

THE CITU has expressed serious concern over the hell-bent bid of fast-tracking the privatisation of CPSUs across the sectors, with their huge asset base, to private hands, both foreign and domestic.States are also being pushed to privatise state-PSUs. The national assets are being sought to be sold out to private corporate entities at throw-away prices, which will also act in destroying indigenous productive capabilities in almost all strategic and core areas of the national economy.

CITU Congratulates Farmers for Successful Parade

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on January 27, has congratulated the farmers of our country and their united platform for the massive kisan parade on the Republic Day both at the national capital and in hundreds of districts across the country to defend our country’s self reliance, food and energy security and the rights enshrined in our constitution.The kisan parade on the Republic Day virtually became a peoples’ parade drawing crores of people in addition to farmers, agricultural workers, workers and people from all walks of lives throughout the country.

CTUs Rejects Govt Move to Frame Rules on Labour Codes

THE joint platform of central trade unions(CTU) have outrightly rejected the move of the government to frame rules on the labour codes which were passed in the Parliament without any discussion with the central trade unions or in the Parliament when all the opposition members of Parliament were absent as they were on boycott demanding the withdrawal of expulsion of some MPs.Some MPs had even given in writing to the government that the labour codes should not be placed in a hurry and that there is a need for serious discussions on such an important matter with trade unions and also inside th

CITU for Intensifying the Class Struggles to push back Corporate Regime

“THIS struggle by the working class against the anti-worker Labour Codes and anti-national privatisation will complement the struggle of the peasants against the anti-farmers, Farm Acts and the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020. These simultaneous fronts of struggles, by the peasants and workers, alone, can push back the pro-corporate neoliberal regime. Thus, it is of utmost importance for the working class to intensify the struggles on its specific demands along with the demand to repeal the Farm Acts”.


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