Social Issues

Convene Special Session of Parliament To Discuss Issues Concerning Dalits

CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury has written to the minister for parliamentary affairs, Venkaiah Naidu, on May 6, 2015 asking him to take measures to convene a special session of parliament on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar, to discuss issues concerning the dalits in our country. Below we reproduce the text of the letter.

Observe Ambedkar Jayanti as Dalit Rights Day

DALIT Shoshan Mukti Manch (DSMM) is a national platform of various Dalit empowerment organisations from across the country which are working for eradication of untouchability and caste discrimination, and socio-economic development of the community. DSMM, under the guidance of CPI(M), was established on 27 November 2014 at a national conference in Delhi. The Manch will observe Ambedkar Jayanti on April 14 as ‘Dalit Rights Day’ to highlight the constitutional safeguards for Dalits in India.

CPI(M) Workers Protest Spurt in Murder in TN

CONDEMNING the spurt in cases of murder, many of them due to caste issues, in Thirunelveli and Tuticorin districts of Tamil Nadu, CPI(M) cadres observed one day's fast on March 31. Led by Party state secretary G Ramakrishnan, more than 2,000 cadres observed the fast at Jawahar Grounds, Palayamkottai in the city of Thirunelveli.Nearly 100 brutal murders have taken place in both the districts in the past 10 months. Of these, 25 per cent were due to caste related issues.

NPRD: Derecognise the Paralympic Committee of India

THE executive committee of the National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) in a statement issued on March 22, lodged its strongest protest against the pathetic conditions in which participants at the 15th National Para-Athletic Championship have been put in a camp in Ghaziabad. Over 600 athletes from different parts of the country have been lodged in some under construction buildings with even the basic facilities lacking. What they have for toilets are inaccessible mobile toilets that have been put up at the venue forcing many of the participants to defecate in the open.

Reconversions, Quotas & the Implications of The Supreme Court Judgment

ON February 26, 2015 the Supreme Court of India pronounced that those Christian dalits who reconvert to Hinduism can get the benefits entitled to any Scheduled Caste as long as the caste community accepts that person as a member of their caste. This pronouncement will obviously give a fillip to the aggressive ghar wapasi campaign initiated by the Sangh Parivar in the recent months. Given the current political situation, the Sangh and its affiliates will use the judgment to induce Christians and Muslims to embrace Hinduism in a bid to increase their own social and political base.

Some Lessons from the Ideas & Work Of Savitribai & Jyotirao Phule

AS the democratic organisations celebrate the birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule, the dalits of the country face important and stiff challenges for their survival in the contemporary times. The weakening of the social welfare system has led to a social counter revolution led by the conservative rightwing forces and made dalits in particular socially and economically vulnerable. The idea that the neo-liberal State will be a limited State that does not interfere in societal affairs has strengthened social institutions that have given a new fillip to forces of social conservatism.

“Give a War Cry, Rise Fast, Rise to Learn and Act” A Tribute to Savitribai Phule

NEARLY 40 percent of girls are in higher education in our country. Many of us take our education as granted – as something of a normal progression. If at all some of us are forced to discontinue our studies, we think it is because of the economic conditions of our families. Of course, many of us are also forced out of education, due to the lecherous behaviour of our so-called 'stronger sex', eve-teasing and sexual harassment. In other words, those of us fortunate enough to continue with our education, think that it is thanks to our familial support, we are able to pursue our dreams.

Reconversion: Some Implications of Its Historical Antecedents in Adivasi Central India

MOHAN Bhagwat’s statement that India is a Hindu Rashtra and that the Hindus should reclaim their own through a reconversion programme has come at a time when the reconversion debate is stalling parliament. This debate has finally lifted the mask of development which was worn by the Modi government in order to sell the corporate Hindutva dream to the nation. In order to counter this demystification, the BJP has been arguing that an anti-conversion law is needed in order to stop forced change in religion.

AARM to Launch Nationwide Protests Against Modi Govt from Jan 10-15

THE national executive of the Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch (AARM) has decided to launch a nationwide protest campaign against Modi government’s anti-people policies from January 10-15, 2015. This was announced by AARM chairman Bajuban Reyang, vice president Brinda Karat and MP Jitendra Choudhary at a press conference in Hyderabad on 15th December. They were briefing media persons about the deliberations of the two-day executive meetings held at Sundarayya Vignana Kendram.


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