Social Issues

UTTAR PRADESH: Ekta Colony Hosts Iftar

IFTAR parties hosted by political parties have become important statements of political importance and ability to attract a large number of prominent Muslims and clerics and, above all, members of the political class.  They have now assumed a new role, that of displaying political alliances and alignments.  All this is accompanied with an ostentatious display of wealth and lavish hospitality quite far removed from what Iftar means to most of those observing the Ramzan fast.  For them it is an occasion to share special moments with family members and friends and also to help those who are le

The Child Labour Amendment Act

A JOINT meeting of the Indian School of Women’s Studies and Development and Apne Aap (an organisation against the trafficking of children) was held on June 10, 2015 in Delhi to consider the different aspects of the Child Labour Amendment Act, 2015. The proposed amendments to the Child Labour Act are one amongst the many labour reforms being enacted by the corporate backed Modi government. They seek to allow children to work in the entertainment and family based enterprises after their school hours.

DELHI: DSMM Observes 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr BR Ambedkar

ON the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Dr BR Ambedkar, the Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch (DSMM), Delhi committee has organised a seminar on ‘Neo-liberal policies and Dalits’ on July 4. Hundreds of people from various areas of Delhi, Ghaziabad and Noida participated in the seminar. Professor Gopal Guru (JNU), Subhashini Ali, Polit Bureau member of CPI(M) and Dr Bajrang Bihari Tiwari (Delhi University) were the main speakers in the seminar. A three member presidium comprising Brahmjeet Singh, Sonia Verma and Vidyapati conducted the proceedings of the seminar.

TAMILNADU: We Do Not Want Charity Give Us Our Rights!

THE second state conference of Tamilnadu Association for the Rights of All Types of Differently Abled and Caretakers (TARATDAC) was held in Kovilpatti from June 22-24. The conference started with a rally and public meeting on June 22 in the evening. Brinda Karat, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member participated in the rally and addressed the public meeting.  In her speech, she congratulated all the members, cadres and leaders of the organisation for the big struggles that had been carried out during the last three years to assert the rights of the differently abled persons.

DSMM Holds Dharna at Jodhpur Collectorate

At the call of the Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch (DSMM), hundreds of people demonstrated at the Jodhpur divisional headquarters on June 16. They attempted to barge into the collectorate when they were stopped from entering it.DSMM Convenor Kishan Meghawal said that the dalits in the area are facing planned attacks almost every day. Under the patronage of ministers, administrative officials and police officers, a parallel mafia administration is running. The purpose behind this is to keep control of the land belonging to the dalits which is in possession of the upper castes.

Udaipur Mahapadav Demands Implementation Of Forest Laws & Housing for All

THE BJP and the Congress parties are the two sides of the same coin and their policies of governance are the same. BJP is pursuing the same policies of neoliberalism as started by the Congress in 1991. These policies are responsible for the deterioration of conditions of not only tribals but also of the youth, farmers, working class and the general masses, said Manik Sarkar, chief minister of Tripura and Polit Bureau member of CPI(M), at the Mahapadav in Udaipur.

TAMILNADU:Ban on APSC is an Attack on Right to Expression

THE Democratic Youth Federation of India and the Students’ Federation of India led a statewide protest against IIT Madras in Tamilnadu for the past one week condemning the derecognition of Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle (APSC).

The Indian Institute of Technology-Madras has derecognised the Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle (APSC), a student study group, following an anonymous complaint that it was instigating protests against the policies of the central government and creating “hatred” against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Hindus.

Brutal Attack On Dalits In Rajasthan Village

THREE dalits were killed on May 14 in Dangawas village of Nagaur district in Rajasthan and thirteen were seriously injured, among whom are six women in an attack unleashed on them by the dominant upper caste, the jats. The attack took place over the 23 bigahs of land of dalits which was forcefully possessed by jats since long. As rightful claimants of that land, dalits built huts in the farm land. The jat community called their caste panchayat on May 14, and pressurised the reluctant dalits to attend their panchayat.

Reserve Jobs in Private Sector, Says Yechury

A LAW should be enacted by the central government to provide reservation in employment in the private sector for Scheduled Castes, demanded Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of CPI(M) while speaking at the second state conference of the TNUEF (Tamilnadu Untouchability Eradication Front) which was held at Virudhunagar.The first conference of the TNUEF was held in 2010. The journey of the TNUEF began with the struggle for demolishing the untouchability wall in Uthapuram in Madurai district.

DSMM Demands Judicial Enquiry into Horrific Attack on Dalits in Rajasthan

The following is the statement issued by the Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch on May 19.

THE Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch condemns the horrific crime committed against dalits in Dangawas village in Rajasthan’s Nagaur district where 3 dalit men were killed on May 15. They were mowed down under tractors by the Jats, who are a dominant caste in the region, over a land dispute. Many dalits were grievously injured. Dalit women were molested, severely beaten and there were repeated attempts to disrobe them.


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