
Europe: Growth of Far Right and Challenges

In Germany, for the first time since the Second World War, a far right-wing party, Alternative for Germany (AfD) is emerging as a major political force. The growth of various right-wing parties in Europe, the latest being the AfD, has forced some commentators to call it as the 'spectre haunting Europe'. Some of the commentators had even started questioning the future of the Left as a political force in these changed circumstances.

NATO on the Warpath

THE two day NATO summit held in Warsaw in the second week of July was billed as the most important one since the end of the Cold War. It was held in the wake of the “Brexit” vote and the looming threat it poses to the very concept of European unity. Britain has been America's foremost ally within the European Union (EU) and NATO. With the exit of the United Kingdom, the EU is theoretically better positioned to follow a more independent foreign policy. An important goal of the Warsaw summit was to project unity.

Historic Colombia Peace Accord

The signing of the draft peace accord between the government of Colombia and the country's main rebel grouping, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Havana on June 23, had heralded the end of the longest running civil war in Latin America. In the last week of August, the two sides formalised the cease fire agreement in Bogota.

South China Sea: The UNCLOS Verdict

Beijing was expecting an adverse ruling on the South China Sea from the Permanent Court of Arbitration, an International Tribunal at the Hague and has taken the judgment on the dispute on July 11 in its stride. Senior officials have said that the situation in the South China Sea should not be allowed to escalate. The Chinese government had announced some months before that it would ignore the decision of the tribunal, saying that it had no jurisdiction over the case as the main dispute was over land in the form of islands and islets in the South China Seas.

Turkey’s Failed Coup

THE ‘failed’ coup of July 15-16 in Turkey is now over. Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has consolidated power – becoming even more powerful than before. He has ordered the arrest not only of over six thousand military and judicial figures, whom he has blamed for the coup but also thousands of teachers and professors as well as journalists who have been in the sights of the ruling party. Rumors abound: who is responsible for the coup? Erdoğan persists with the view that the culprit is the US-based Islamic scholar Fetullah Gülen. He wants him to be extradited to Turkey.

Modi's Foreign Policy: Westward Ho!

Two years after Prime Minster Narendra Modi took over, India's foreign policy has significantly changed its contours. Without taking parliament and Indian public opinion into confidence, the Modi government has gone ahead and virtually changed the country's traditional non-aligned status. The pro-western tilt that had started during the earlier NDA and UPA regimes has become even more pronounced in the last two years, despite India being a member of groupings like BRICS and IBSA. So much so that the Obama administration now wants India to be given the exalted status of a non-NATO ally.

Struggle in Labour Party: Defending Corbyn

NOW that enough time has passed with Britain voting to leave the European Union (EU) without any major catastrophe occurring (frankly, should we even be surprised that a former imperial power still thinks that squabbles between its cabinet members and parliamentary backbenchers would lead to the end of the world, ‘as we know it’?), it may be a good time to think about what ‘Brexit’ means for political action, especially on the Left. The result of the British referendum should have hardly been surprising.

Venezuela: The Next Target

FRESH after their success in implementing regime change in Brazil through patently undemocratic means, the right wing in Latin America, aided and abetted by their allies in Washington, have now set their sights on Venezuela. The mainstream newspapers in the United States are busy writing the obituary of the Left in the American continent. An electoral setback for the Left in Argentina, where the Peronists lost the presidency by a narrow margin earlier in the year, was welcomed as great news in the West.

On Brexit Reactions

PORTUGUESE COMMUNIST PARTY On the victory of the exit from the European Union In the referendum held in the United Kingdom The following is the press release issued by the Portuguese Communist PartyTHE victory of the exit from the European Union in the referendum held in the United Kingdom is an event of tremendous political magnitude for the people of the United Kingdom and also for the peoples of Europe.It represents a far-reaching change in the process of capitalist integration in Europe and a new threshold of struggle for those


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