
Fidel’s Enduring Lesson is that, Yes, It Is Possible

Below we publish remarks by Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, and president of the Councils of state and ministers, during the political posthumous tribute to Comandante en Jefe of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, in Santiago de Cuba’s Plaza Mayor General Antonio Maceo Grajales on December 3, 2016, “Year 58 of the Revolution”.THIS afternoon, upon arrival to the heroic city, the funeral procession transporting Fidel’s ashes, which retraced in reverse the route of the Caravan of Liberty of 1959, and visited embl

Farewell to Fidel Castro

LAKHS of people paid homage to their dear and great leader during the journey of convoy from Havana to Santiago which carried the mortal remains of revolutionary genius Fidel Castro. In this sea of people, comrades who are holding responsibilities for the changes and reforms of Cuba were also seen. The distance between Havana and Santiago is 800 km.

Homage to Fidel Castro

THE whole of Havana and various Cubans from different parts of the country had joined in a huge memorial meeting to pay homage to Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz.  The memorial meeting was held at the Plaza de la Revolucion “Jose Marti”.  23 heads of States/ governments, vice presidents from six countries, 13 former presidents/prime ministers, four parliamentary delegations led by the speaker/chairperson and 16 ministerial delegations had arrived to participate in this memorial meeting.  The meeting was held on November 29, barely 72 hours after Comrade Fidel Castro was cremated.  Comrade Fidel

New Thrust to International Solidarity

THE 18th International Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP) saw a renewed vigor and determination in the resolve to work together in the coming days. This is quite natural as the IMCWP was held for the first time in a socialist country, Vietnam, ever since the process began with the first meeting held in 1999 in Greece.India can legitimately claim to have given the inspiration for this idea as the CPI(M) organised an international seminar on the 'Contemporary World Situation and the Validity of Marxism' in 1993, coinciding with the 175th birth anniversary of Karl Marx.

Syria: First Anniversary of Russian Military intervention

IT was at the end of September last year that Russia in a surprise move dispatched its planes and troops to Syria at the request of the government in Damascus. The jihadi forces and their western backed allies were intent on delivering the coup d'grace to the legitimate secular government before the end of that year. More territory and towns, including the historic city of Palmyra, had fallen to the terrorist Daesh (IS) and the Jabhat al Nusra Front. Washington and its allies were waiting for the much heralded regime change in Syria even as the country was awash in blood and suffering.

Innovative Steps at Party Building to Achieve the Chinese Dream -II

ENSURING HARMONY BETWEEN PARTY AND PEOPLEDuring the revolutionary period, the CPC had close links with the masses since it was involved in a life-and-death struggle. But now it is the ruling Party, so there is the danger that it may consider itself above society. Hence the CPC has consciously decided on a mass line to strengthen its links and ensure harmony between the Party and the people.Party leaders, beginning with Polit Bureau members, have taken the lead. The General Secretary has issued an eight point guideline for the 25 PB members.

Shimon Peres: Zionist Hawk

ISRAEL and the West mourned the death of Shimon Peres on October 27 painting him as a visionary statesman who had vainly fought for a two state solution to resolve the impasse between Israel and the Arab world. President Barack Obama accompanied by the former president, Bill Clinton, were among the prominent foreign personalities present at the funeral of the former Israeli president. It was the largest attended State funeral in Israel after that of his fellow Nobel laureate, Yizthak Rabin in 1995. More than 70 countries were represented at the funeral.

Eighteenth IMCWP Held at Hanoi

THE Communist Party of Vietnam hosted the 18th International Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties, which was held for the first time in a socialist country, from October 28-30. The theme of the meeting was, “Capitalist crisis and imperialist offensive - strategy and tactics of the communist and workers’ parties in struggle for peace, workers’ and peoples’ rights, socialism.” M A Baby, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member and head of the international department attended the meeting.

Innovative Steps at Party Building to Achieve the Chinese Dream

A CPI(M) cadre delegation visited China from August 24 to September 3, 2016 at the invitation of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The main theme was “to study the new initiatives in building the Communist Party of China in pursuance of the Chinese dream”. The CPI(M) delegation visited Kunming (capital of the relatively less developed province of Yunnan, bordering Burma), Jinggangshang (called the Cradle of the Chinese Revolution due to its rich revolutionary history) in Jiangxi province, and the Chinese capital Beijing.


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