Agrarian Issues

Shed Apathy to Flood Hit States: AIKS

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on August 11, notes with concern the utter irresponsible and insensitive approach of the BJP led central government to the unprecedented floods, loss of lives and property in different parts of the country. In the last few months, large parts of India have been reeling under severe floods that have led to loss of hundreds of lives. Initially in July 2019, heavy rains and floods affected Assam, Bihar and nearby states in which there has been loss of lives and livestock as well as wild animals in the Kaziranga National Park.

AIKS Rally Flays Forest Dept Attacks on Adivasis

ON July 5, 2019, a large and angry rally of thousands of adivasi peasants led by the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) marched to the Additional Collector's Office at Jawhar in Palghar district of Maharashtra.  Despite torrential rains, they laid siege to the office for four hours, with umbrellas in hand. The peasants had come to denounce the forest department officials who had demolished some houses and had dug holes in the forest lands that had been cultivated by adivasis for generations and for which claims under the Forest Rights Act (FRA) were pending.The background to this latest attack by

Struggle against Anti-Peasant Policies

THE All India Kisan Council(AIKC) met at Hyderabad on July 12-14, 2019. It was the second meeting of AIKC after Hisar conference. After the 17th Lok Sabha elections and formation of second NDA government, this was the first meeting in the context of the massive defeat of the opposition parties especially, the Left. One hundred and seven members participated in the meeting and the discussion was enthusing.

TUI of Workers in Agriculture, Food, Commerce & Allied Industries Meets in Paris

THE discussions took place in the background of a war imposed on Syria using the weapons of the USA, France, Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia. According to FAO figures more than two billion people live in countries experiencing conflict and violence today. It is the poorest and most vulnerable who are affected physically. Nearly 900 million are victims of hunger and malnutrition in these countries which are concentrated in four regions: West Asia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central America and Eastern Europe.

Farmers Betrayed Yet Again Kharif Prices Far Below C2+50%

THE BJP led central government has announced the minimum support prices for the Kharif Marketing Season 2019-20. In a situation when farmers across the country are in acute distress due to severe drought, the prices announced only add salt to injury. It has announced a meagre 3.7 per cent hike in the prices of paddy despite the fact that costs of production over the year have drastically increased. This will only mean an increase of Rs 65/quintal.

TUI of Workers in Agriculture, Food, Commerce & Allied Industries Meets in Paris

THE extended executive committee of the Trade Union International of workers in agriculture, food, commerce and allied industries met in Paris on June 5-7, 2019. 39 members from 22 countries took part in the discussions. Suneet Chopra,  AIAWU joint secretary and executive committee member of TUI and V S Nirmal, (national secretary, BKMU) who was present on behalf of Nagendranath Ojha, attended the meeting. The discussion was centred on continuing the work and decisions taken in its secretariat meeting in Havana from January 18-20, 2017 followed up by the Lisbon meeting in April 2017.

AP: AIKS Team Visits Severely Drought-Hit Ananthapuram

ON June 12, a team of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), visited the second most drought-hit district in the country after Jaisalmer in Rajasthan-Ananthapuram in Andhra Pradesh. Ananthapuram has been reeling under chronic and severe drought for over one decade. This district has seen thousands of farmer suicides in the last two decades and massive migration of lakhs of people due to lack of work, food and water.

A Significant Victory

Below we publish the statement issued by the All India Kisan Sabha on May 3PEPSICO’S expression of intent to withdraw lawsuit against farmers is a significant victory in the struggle for protecting farmers’ seed freedoms. However, nothing concrete has been done by them yet in that direction. AIKS demands that the company come clear and walk the talk or brace for more intense protests. The Gujarat state government should also come clear on what are the negotiations that it is having with the company.


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