Agrarian Issues

K-FON Opens New Possibilities for Kerala Agriculture

SWIMMING against the tide is not an easy task. The general trend in the era of neoliberal economic policies has been towards disinvestment, deregulation, dismantling of the public sector and withdrawal from social sector expenditure. Kerala under the LDF government has been swimming against the tide and with phenomenal success. At all times of crisis whether it be the floods, cyclones, Nipah or the unprecedented Covid pandemic, Kerala has steered a course that has won great acclaim worldwide.

Dairy Farmers to Hold Protests on 27 July: Against Imposition of GST on Dairy Products, Machineries & Milking Machines

THE organising committee of the Dairy Farmers’ Federation of India (DFFI), in a statement issued on July 7,  has called upon the dairy farmers across the country to hold massive protest demonstrations at the village/taluk centres on July 27, 2022 against the imposition of GST on dairy products and dairy machineries by the Narendra Modi led government.

AIKS Condemns MSP Fraud

THE All India Kisan Sabha in a statement issued on June 9, noted that the Modi government has once again defrauded farmers by making meagre increases in the minimum support prices (MSP) for Kharif crops. In the MSP announced for Kharif 2022-23, MSP for rice, maize, tur, urad and groundnut has been increased by just 7 per cent, and for Bajra by just 8 per cent. In most crops, the increases barely cover the general inflation in the economy.

Heed Farmers’ Voices and Protect their Interests at WTO

The All India Kisan Sabha has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on June 9, suggesting what India’s response should be at the upcoming Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation that is scheduled to take place in Geneva from June 12-15. The letter urged the government to articulate the interests of farmers and the masses of India, at the meeting. A copy was also sent to the minister of commerce and industry, and the minister of agriculture and farmers’ welfare.

Corporate Biased Recommendations of SC Appointed Committee on Farm Acts

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on March 22, has strongly condemned the recommendation by the Supreme Court appointed committee to bring back the three Farm Acts. AIKS would like to highlight the fact that the members of the SC appointed committee were known for their strong faithfulness to the three Farm Acts unilaterally brought by the union government.

AIKS Supports Anganwadi Workers’ Struggle

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on March 3, has extended its support to the consistent struggle of the courageous anganwadi workers and helpers who have carried on the struggle undeterred by the attacks unleashed. As the struggle has continued for more than 85 days now, the Manoharlal Khattar led BJP government has resorted to threats, harassment, mass arrests. Striking anganwadi workers, helpers and their family members, who were travelling from different parts of the state to participate in the march to Haryana assembly on March 3, 2022 have been arrested.

MSP Reduced in Real Terms

BJP’s Claim of “Highest Ever” Rise in MSP a Blatant LieTHE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on September 8, has condemned the callous manner in which the Narendra Modi led BJP government has announced the minimum support prices (MSP) for Rabi Marketing Season, 2022-23 without following the C2+50 per cent formula or even taking into account increased costs of inputs and inflation. As usual the government and its propaganda machinery are claiming it to be the “highest ever”.

Agricultural Workers: Forced to Live and Die in the Dark`

THE impact of the agrarian crisis on agricultural workers lead to their precarious conditions and even forces them to commit suicide. The policy changes in agriculture also affects the lives of agricultural workers who are at the lowest rung of the social and economic life of rural India.Suicides of agricultural workers were not even recorded until 2013. In 2014, recording the suicides of agricultural workers was initiated and the information publicly released.


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