Working Class Issues

PRE-BUDGET 2018 CONSULTATIONS: Central Trade Unions Put Across their Demands to the FM

THE finance minister held Pre-budget 2018 discussion with the representatives of central trade unions on December 5, 2017. Representatives of all the central trade unions attended the meeting. CITU was represented by its president, Hemalata.The meeting, as every year, appeared to be not more than a ritual. The ‘consultative meeting’ with the 12 trade unions that were called, lasted for around one hour. The trade union representatives were requested to give their opinions in 3-4 minutes.

Massive Mahapadav’s Call to Working Class

THE unprecedented joint trade union Mahapadav (sit-in) of workers concluded in the evening of November 11, with a clarion call to the working class of the country to intensify the struggle against the anti-worker, anti-people and anti-national policies of the BJP led government.The huge mass of workers who gathered from all over the country and from all sectors of the economy enthusiastically endorsed the unanimous call of the leadership of the joint trade union movement, made in the light of the August 8, 2017 national convention, to prepare for an indefinite country wide general strike if

AILU Condemns Rajasthan Ordinance Protecting Corrupt Officials

THE recent ordinance passed by the Rajasthan Government amending Criminal Procedure Code to protect corrupt officials/ public servants, serving and former magistrates and judges from being investigated for their misdemeanor and corruption on duty without Government sanction and barring the media from reporting on accusations of such wrong doings, till Government sanctions such a probe, is highly undemocratic, oppressive and an attack on freedom of the press.

Road Transport Workers to participate in the TU Mahapadav

THE All India Co-Ordination Committee of Road Transport Workers’ Organisations in a statement issued on October 6, has called upon the transport workers in the country to participate in the Mahapadav from November 9-11, in New Delhi in protest against the MV Act Amendment Bill. It also appealed to all the transport workers in the country to observe protest actions as and when the bill will be introduced in the Rajya Sabha. After the three-day Mahapadav, future course of action will be announced.

Beedi Workers Vow to Undo Injustices

THE seventh conference of the All India Beedi Workers Federation (AIBWF), associated with the CITU, was held in Vellore in Tamil Nadu from September 14 to 16. The Tamil Nadu State Beedi Workers Union organised the conference and the entire Vellore city was beautifully decorated by CITU flags and festoons.The opening session was organised at Vellore Mandy Street in the evening of September 14. Besides delegates and beedi workers of the state, hundreds of people attended the session.

JAN EKTA JAN ADHIKAR ANDOLAN: Convention against Neoliberal, Communal Policies

THE all India convention of mass, class and social movements was held on September 18 in New Delhi to intensify the issue-based united struggle against the anti-people neoliberal and communal policies of the BJP led NDA government. The Jan Ekta Jan Adhikar Andolan (people’s unity, people’s right, people’s resistance) was launched in the convention which will be expand to all states and districts.

National Convention on Right to Food, Health, Education and Care

IN the context of the ongoing efforts by the NDA government to dismantle and privatise the basic delivery systems in the social sector, the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH), Mid Day Meal Workers Federation of India (MDMWFI), and All India Coordination Committee of Asha Workers (AICCAW) jointly held a national convention on “The right to food, health, education and care, the government, centrally sponsored schemes and beyond” on September 17 in New Delhi.Inaugurating the convention, Prof.

KARNATAKA: Huge March of Workers in Bengaluru

THE capital city of Karnataka, Bengaluru witnessed a mammoth struggle of working class of the state on September 14. Over 40,000 workers belonging to 178 unions affiliated to Centre of Indian Trade Union (CITU) from across 30 districts converged in Bengaluru to participate in the “Namma Nade…Bengalurinede Maha Nade”, the mega march towards Bengaluru. The mobilisation has created history in terms of the size of the participation of workers in recent times.


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