Working Class Issues

PUNJAB: Anganwadi Workers Momentous March

ANGANWADI workers and helpers from Punjab, who suffer with paltry wages and poor social security like other scheme workers across the country, are on struggle path.Nearly 5,000 anganwadi workers and helpers under the banner of Anganwadi Mulazam Union, which is affiliated to the Centre for Indian Trade Unions (CITU), held a three-day long protest march which began from the historical city of Fatehgarh Sahib on May 28 and culminated in Chandigarh on May 30.Usha Rani, national president of the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH), said, “About 54,000 workers are into

Bankers Union Demands Wilful Defaulting be Made Criminal Offense

THE Bank Employees Federation of India (BEFI), in view of recent incidents of defaulters like Nirav Modi denting banks with huge sums of money, has urged the government to implement the four demands they have been making since many years, to safeguard public sector banks of the country.In an official press release given on May 18, the Federation demanded that wilful default in repayment of bank loans be made a criminal offense and deterrent punishment must be meted out to the culprits.The BEFI also demanded that all assets of the defaulting corporates, their promoters and the in-house direc

PROTEST AGAINST POLLUTION IN TUTIKORIN: CITU Condemns Brutal And Murderous Police Firing

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on May 23, has vehemently condemned the brutal and murderous police firing on people protesting against pollution by a copper smelter plant of M/s Sterlite at Tutikorin, Tamil Nadu killing 12 persons and injuring hundreds.The people of that region have been agitating since long demanding concrete action by the government to prevent the atmospheric pollution being generated by the Sterlite’s Copper Smelter Plant, creating menacing impact on the lives and health of the people in that region.

May Day Celebrations in Pampady

PAMPADY is a small village in Kottayam district in Kerala. It falls in the Puthupally constituency from where Oommen Chandy, the former chief minister of Kerala has been winning continuously since 1970. Most of the people in the village depend upon agriculture.What gives this village a unique place in the country is its observance of May Day. May Day in this village is being observed since the last 37 years as ‘Gramotsavam’, a village festival.The origin of this practice, more than 37 years back, is interesting.

CITU May Day Manifesto, 2018

ON this May Day, the Day of International Solidarity of the Working Class, CITUGreets all working people, be they working in factories, offices, services, mines, forests, fields or waters, across the worldExpresses solidarity to all their struggles to protect their hard won rights, to improve their conditions, to defeat the attacks of imperialists-led, international finance driven neoliberal capitalist order on their lives and livelihoods, particularly in the wake of its systemic crisis globally and emancipate themselves from all exploitationAffirms its commitment to social

Fixed Term Employment for Promoting Ease of Doing Business

THE World Bank’s ease of doing business index in 2018 ranked India at 100, up from 130 a year ago. Buoyed with this report, the BJP government has reportedly targeted 90 reforms to further climb up the ladder to reach the top 50.Extending Fixed Term Employment to all sectors is undoubtedly one such measure.On March 16th this year, the government issued a Gazette notification amending the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Central Rules, 1946, allowing Fixed Term Employment in all sectors.

Modi Govt’s False, Misleading Statements on Job Creation

IN the Union Budget for 2018-19, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley made one false and one misleading statement in respect of employment generation. In point number 78 of the written copy of his speech, he stated, “An independent study conducted recently has shown that 70 lakh formal jobs will be created this year.”Jaitley’s statement of “independent study” was false. The study was initiated, designed, guided and approved by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

CITU General Council: Surge in Toiling People’s Struggles

THE meeting of CITU general council, held in Kozhikode from March 23-26, analysed the impact of the policies of the BJP led government on the conditions of the workers in the country and chalked out concrete tasks based on its analysis.The presidential address delivered by Hemalata, president of CITU and the general secretary’s report placed by Tapan Sen, general secretary of CITU put the organisational and movemental tasks to be taken up by the general council, in the context of international and national situation.The presidential address linked the conditions of the workers in our countr


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