
Doval’s Meeting with BJP-RSS Leaders Calls for a Probe: CPI(M)

THE CPI(M) Tripura state secretary, Bijan Dhar, has vehemently condemned the RSS-BJP’s blatant bid to vitiate the pre-poll scenario in Tripura by including the country’s National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval, as an active participant in their vital party meeting held on January 14 in the official residence of union home minister Rajnath Singh.At a press conference in Agartala on January 16, Dhar said that the attention of the Election Commission of India was drawn to a news item that the party meeting in the run-up to the upcoming assembly election in three northeastern states was attended

Tamil Nadu: Thwart the Machinations of Communal Forces, Says TNPPU

THE Tamil Nadu Platform for People’s Unity (TNPPU) organised an ‘In Conversation’ with eminent human rights activist Teesta Setalvad under the title “Communalism and Casteism – Two Faces of Hindutva’s Coin” in Chennai on January 15, in the backdrop of entrenched communal forces throttling the pillars of democracy.Deepa of the DYFI welcomed the gathering and senior journalist A Kumaresan conducted the proceedings.

The Indian History Congress Holds its 78th Session

THE Indian History Congress held its 78th annual session at the Jadavpur University campus, Kolkata, from December 28-30, 2017. By all accounts, it was its largest session till date, the number of delegates crossing the 1,600 mark.The session was presided over by the famous historian of Ancient India, Professor KM Shrimali. His presidential address was delivered at the inaugural session on December 28, in the main hall of the Jadavpur University.

TRIPURA ASSEMBLY ELECTION 2018: People of Tripura Will Rebuff BJP’s Evil Bid

THE CPI(M) has expressed its total confidence that the BJP’s ongoing machinations for garnering narrow political gain in the upcoming assembly election in Tripura will be rejected by a massive mandate for the Party. CPI(M) state secretary Bijan Dhar at a press conference in Agartala on January 6 reacted to the recent parleys between top BJP leaders and those of IPFT(NC), which is an open political wing of the outlawed extremist outfit NLFT.

BJP’s Jumla Will Not Pass Muster in Tripura

THE people of Tripura, forged in the fire of prolonged mass movement against the British-like ‘divide and rule’ policy of the Centre, will never budge an inch from their strong stand in favour of the Left Front government, leading them to comprehensive development based on the unity and integrity of the state’s mixed population of tribals and non-tribals including the minority communities.

TRIPURA ASSEMBLY ELECTION 2018: People Vow to Defeat Communal & Separatist Forces

THE country vests in the people of Tripura a historic role to establish the Left Front government in the state for an eighth term, thus heralding a real alternative to the BJP or the Congress which are two sides of the same coin. This was the clarion call Left Front leaders gave while addressing a mammoth rally at Vivekananda Maidan in Agartala on December 31. They exposed the evil moves of the BJP/RSS which, posing as self-proclaimed upholders of patriotism, are ultimately trying to break into pieces the unity and integrity of the country.

SOLIDARITY PROGRAMME IN WEST BENGAL: Tripura will Resist Enemies of the People

THE people of Tripura will not bow down before enemies of the people and will not allow single space to secessionists and communal forces. Despite the obstacles imposed by the centre and by the trouble makers, they will march to another victory. CPI(M) Polit Bureau member and chief minister of Tripura, Manik Sarkar, asserted with conviction at a public meeting in Kolkata on December 28. The meeting was organised by the CPI(M) West Bengal state committee to express solidarity with the struggling people of Tripura.

BJP Trying to Vitiate Peaceful Atmosphere in Tripura

AS the election to the Tripura assembly is expected to be held in February next year, hectic preparations are being made by the election authoritiesas well asall the political parties.The full team of the Election Commission visited the state on November 28. The commission met leaders of all the national political parties separately and herd the issues raised by them. They also supervised the administrative preparedness.


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