Social Issues

Tamil Nadu: Third State Conference of TNUEF

THIRD state conference of TNUEF was held on August 15-17 at Thanjavur, in the Cauvery Delta, soil of heroic struggle of poor agricultural labourers against both economic and social oppression, led by P Seenivasa Rao and P S Dhanuskodi.The TNUEF conference ended with mammoth rally on August 17, which was attended by nearly 20,000 people.  Sitaram Yechury, general secretary, CPI M) delivered a special address in the public meeting conducted at Thilagar Thidal. He urged all democratic sections to join the struggle against caste oppression.

Adivasis Protest against FRA Amendment Bill

MILLIONS of adivasis held hundreds of nation-wide protests against the shoddy implementation of the existing Forest Rights Act (FRA) and demanded that the Forest Rights Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 be withdrawn immediately, after the introduction of the amendment bill on February 13.Under the banner of ‘Bhumi Adhikar Andolan’, adivasis submitted memorandums to the prime minister and chief ministers of various states and said that the amendment bill will throw millions of adivasis and other traditional forest dwellers out of their lands and destroy their traditional farm lands. Owing to the sp

Draft NEP Perpetuates Discrimination

THE draft of the New Education Policy(NEP) is profoundly regressive and overwhelmingly undemocratic. It continues to perpetuate the existing discrimination against the disabled. It fails to invoke a rights-based approach and refuses to break away from the traditional method of viewing disability.Despite ‘access’ being claimed to be a key “guiding principle”, non-availability of the draft in accessible formats, deprives large sections of the disabled an opportunity to go through a crucial document that will be shaping their lives and those of disabled children and adolescents.

MAHARASHTRA: Justice for Dr Payal Tadvi

THE AIDWA, SFI, DYFI, JASS (Jati Ant Sangharsh Samiti) held an angry protest demonstration outside Nair Hospital in Mumbai on May 27 to condemn the harassment, casteist humiliation and threats meted out to Dr Payal Tadvi by three senior women colleagues in the Topiwala National Medical College (TNMC) and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, that ultimately drove her to commit suicide on May 22 in her hostel room.

NPRD Demands Revision of Amended Regulation for Admission to MBBS

THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) has registered its strong remonstration against the continuation of certain blatantly discriminatory attitudes in the matter of admissions to MBBS, as reflected in the latest “Amendment Notification” of February 4, 2019 to modifying the Regulation on Graduate Medical Education, 1997. These amended regulations debarring certain categories of disabled persons from pursuing medicine is a clear violation of the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and the rules framed thereunder.

Defeat Manuvadi BJP: DSMM

ON December 20, thousands of activists of Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch (DSMM) marched through the streets of Delhi and held a protest demonstration at the Parliament Street. They gave a clarion call to defeat “Manuvadi BJP” in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections to defend dalit rights and to save the constitution.K Radhakrishnan, president, DSMM and former speaker of Kerala assembly termed the Modi led BJP government anti-Dalit and said four and half years have passed but this government did not take a single step to deliver justice to the dalit community of the country.

NPRD Observes International Day for Disabled Persons

LENIN Sarani in Kolkata has been a witness to many hues of gatherings, but on December 3, the occasion of international day for disabled persons, it had witnessed a procession which had not been seen in the city for a long time. As the wave of yellow surged towards its destination, the bustling metropolis came to a standstill to take note of the faces of the participants.The spirit of the procession was succinctly embodied by the action of an anonymous participant. While marching forward, his crutch gave way and he fell down on the dusty thoroughfare.


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