Current Issues

On CBI Director’s Meetings

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on September 4.

THE reports of the CBI Director Ranjit Sinha meeting a number of persons who were being investigated by the agency at his residence, raises disturbing questions. Some persons were charge-sheeted by the agency and some have dubious antecedents. It is highly improper and irregular for the head of the premier investigating agency to be meeting such persons and that too at his residence.

Contribute Generously to Flood Relief Fund

THE CPI(M) on September 8, has called upon all its units to immediately collect money to provide relief to the people of Jammu & Kashmir affected by the massive floods in the state.

The floods have caused widespread havoc in the entire state. As per reports available, till now, around 150 people have been killed in the floods. Thousands have been marooned as entire villages in many places stand submerged. Even the capital of Srinagar has been affected with around 30 percent of its area being flooded. An estimated ten lakh people have been affected in Jammu division.

CPI(M) Pune Office Attacked By RSS Hoodlums

AT around 2.30 pm on September 2, a gang of around 15-20 hoodlums attacked the CPI(M) and CITU office at Narayan Peth in Pune city. They damaged the furniture, tore up papers related to the ongoing struggle of unorganised workers and threatened the handful of Party activists who were in the office at the time. They said that this attack was in retaliation to the murder of an RSS activist in Kannur in Kerala the previous day.

Bipan Chandra

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 1.

THE Polit Bureau expressed its grief at the passing away of Prof. Bipan Chandra, prominent historian and intellectual. Bipan Chandra made a big contribution to the writing of modern Indian history with his books on economic nationalism and the national movement. The text books that he authored provided the basis for the teaching of modern Indian history in the school curriculum.

Teachers Day: No Compulsion

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on September 3, 2014.  THE directive/instruction issued by the Modi government asking all schools of the country to ensure that the students hear the prime minister’s address on September 5– the Teachers Day – is unprecedented.  Such an instruction has never been issued in independent India even for the mandatory addresses to the nation by the president and the prime minister.  Such an instruction is also never given for the prime minister’s Independence Day address from the Red Fort.  Cle

U R Ananthamurthy

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 23.

THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) mourns the passing away of U R Ananthamurthy, renowned writer and social activist. Ananthamurthy had created a style of writing with social relevance in Kannada which had a big impact on Indian literature.

A socialist by conviction, Ananthamurthy was a firm advocate of secular values, pluralist culture and social justice. In his death, the country has lost a public intellectual of great calibre.

"Hindutva" Militates Against Secularism

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 18.

THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its strong opposition to the various statements being made by the RSS chief, Mohan Bhagwat on `Hindutva’ which militates against the secular concept of Indian citizenship. Hindutva is a majoritarian concept which is part of the narrow and divisive agenda of the RSS.

On Winding-up Planning Commission

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement August 19, 2014

PRIME Minister Modi has announced that the Planning Commission would be wound up. This step has been publicly taken a day after the parliament session ended, without any discussion in parliament or consultation with political parties or other concerned entities. This decision is in line with the prevailing neo-liberal view that there is no need even for a semblance of planning in a market oriented economy.

CTUs to Hold National Protest Convention

ALL central trade unions, including CITU, have decided to hold a national convention of workers in Delhi in the first week of September, in protest against the onslaught on the working class by the Narendra Modi government through its move to amend various fundamental labour laws.The central trade unions -- CITU, AITUC, INTUC, BMS and HMS ­-- at a meeting on August 7 vehemently opposed both the unilateral path taken by the central government, totally ignoring the central trade unions, and dangerous anti-labour contents of the amendments.The central trade unions (CTUs) said the amendments –


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