Agrarian Issues

AIAWU & BKMU Condemn Growing Atrocities on Dalits

The following is the statement issued by the All India Agricultural Workers Union and the Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union, on October 24.                                                                                                        THE growing atrocities on dalits all over the country have become a matter of the gravest concern today. The number of murders have risen from 570 in 2010 to 744 in 2014. Rapes have increased from 511 in 2010 to 2,233 in 2014.

Fight Corporate Land Grab and Plunder of Resources

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on October 17, has condemned the blatant efforts of the BJP government in Gujarat to facilitate corporate land-grab and provide legal sanction to illegal land transactions. Amendments to Gujarat Agricultural Lands Ceiling Act and Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Law will lead to drastic alteration of land use and surplus government land can now be allotted to corporates on the pretext of “public purpose”.

All India Convention of Rubber Growers Gives Call for Parliament Dharna on November 25

THE first one-day All India Convention of small and marginal rubber growers was held on 29th September, 2015 at Kottayam in Kerala -- the most concentrated region of rubber growers in India. The convention has given a call to organise rubber cultivators all over the country and initiate persistent struggles against the neoliberal attack on agriculture and the peasantry.BackgroundThe convention was held at a time when the rubber growers are engulfed by persistent crisis due to a steep fall in commodity price of natural rubber world over.

Unabated Farmers’ Suicides and Distress: Where Does the Solution lies?

UNABATED farmers’ suicides and intensified distress in Telangana state is causing serious concern among everyone concerned with farmers, development and well being of the people. According to published list of farmer’s suicides, district wise along with names of Mandal and village by daily newspaper Nava Telangana, over 1168 farmers have committed suicide between 2nd June 2014 (State formation day) and 28th September 2015.

First All India Convention of Sugarcane Growers Held

THE first all India convention of sugarcane growers, held in Madurai, Tamil Nadu on September 27-28, resolved to organise militant struggles in front of sugar mills across the country on various issues. The first ever convention of the sugarcane growers was held under the direction of All India Kisan Council of the AIKS. It was a memorable and historic event in the Kisan movement of the country, held in the historic city of Madurai, which contributed immensely in building the Kisan movement.

AIAWU Plans Demonstration before Parliament against Anti-Poor Policies

THE All India Agricultural Workers’ Union General Council, which met at the Mazdoor Kisan Bhavan in Jaipur on 17-18 August, has called on the agricultural workers to demonstrate before Parliament during the upcoming winter session to protest against the anti-poor and anti-rural policies of the BJP government at the Centre. In preparation to the demonstration before Parliament, the council decided to carry out an extended outreach programme to contact at least one million agricultural workers across the country.

Jute Growers’ Convention Held in Kolkata

ON the call of the All India Kisan Council to organise crop-wise movement, a jute growers’ convention was held on August 15 at the West Bengal state Krishak Samity office in Kolkata. A total of 33 delegates from jute-growing states, such as West Bengal, Bihar and Assam, attended the convention. Delegates from Andhra Pradesh could not attend the meet. Madan Ghosh, vice-president of AIKS, presided over the convention, and AIKS state secretary Nripen Choudhoury and general secretary Hannan Mollah attended the convention. Mollah introduced the subject and explained the AIKS decision.

Farmers Echo “No to Suicides; Onwards to United Struggles”

IT undoubtedly was the most difficult task for the All India Kisan Sabha-challenging emotionally as well as organisationally. It required the Kisan Sabha activists to go down to the families in extreme distress, understand their suffering, stand in solidarity with them and mobilise them to be a part of the struggle against the neo-liberal economic policies and the insensitive state as well as central governments that had snatched their loved ones from them.


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