CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 30
THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) condemns and rejects the utterly false and malicious accusations being made by the BJP MLA of Loni, Ghaziabad against Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat of “encouraging cow slaughter” of “creating communal disharmony” etc., and trying to pressure police to file an FIR against her.
This is after a CPI(M) delegation led by Brinda Karat visited the homes of the victims of the recent police atrocity in Loni, where the police inflicted identical injuries on seven young men, all Muslims in a so-called encounter. However, instead of filing cases against the policemen involved, the seven victims have been locked up. The MLA who led vigilante groups in support of the police action on highly communal grounds has now tried to threaten and intimidate those who stand by the victims. The CPI(M) reiterates its demand for an impartial probe into the incident. It demands action against all those acting to thwart justice.
Protest against Growing attacks on Minorities
Vageesh Vishnoi
COMMUNAL harmony took a fresh hit in the nation when the recent series of incidents disturbed the peace amongst people across the nation. Hundreds of people and Party workers responded to the call for protest given by CPI(M) against the series of communal attacks across the country. A protest demonstration was held at Jantar Mantar, Delhi on December 1.
The demonstration was also attended by Prakash Karat, Brinda Karat, Hannan Mollah and B V Raghvulu, members of the Polit Bureau of the CPI(M), along with several members of the Delhi state committee including state secretary, K M Tewari.
The attacks and hatred towards minority communities have turned so pervasive that even the country's capital has not remained untouched by such incidents. In Delhi, a church was vandalised in the Dwarka region and the people inside were assaulted while praying. The slogans of “goli maro” were raised by hundreds of perpetrators of the attack. This comes merely a week after several hundred residents of a locality in Gurgaon were incessantly gathering up week after week at a namaz site and forced the members of the Muslim community to move away from the site from there. While in the other state of Tripura the wounds of the communal attack are still afresh where the mosques were burnt down in several districts.
While addressing the protesters Prakash Karat said, “Today members of Muslim and Dalit communities are attacked politically and socially, the street hawkers belonging to minority communities are not allowed to enter in Hindu localities to conduct their business. This is seen especially in the states like Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and other BJP ruled states.” Here, Prakash Karat was referring to the series of news reports that have come lately about the harassing and boycott of Muslim street vendors and hawkers by the extremist groups for entering the Hindu localities to sell their goods.
Brinda Karat turned to the preamble of the Constitution of India to reiterate the importance of the socialist and secular values of the nation. She said while addressing the protestor, “The preamble of the Constitution clearly states we are a democratic, socialist, secular and sovereign republic. All these values are connected with each other. If there is an attack on the secular tradition of the country then it shall also affect the democratic nature of our country.” She further reminded the listeners about the efforts of RSS right from its formation in 1925 to 1947 for basing the country’s constitution on religion.
The protest meeting was also addressed by Hannan Mollah. He drew the attention of the people to the incidents happening in the Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh. Speaking on the same Hannan Mollah said, “In Lakhimpur Kheri district, the minister of BJP said that Sikhs are the anti-national… whoever is not Hindu in this country is being termed anti-national. The entire country is being turned into the laboratory of communalism. I offer my red salute to the people of Delhi for coming on the streets to defend the democratic and secular values of the country”. Other participants in the meeting included the professors from Delhi university, members from CITU and DSMM. Representatives of the youth organisation, DYFI and SFI were also present on the occasion and slogans were consistently being raised against the communalisation of the country and various RSS affiliated outfits.