Anandi Awaghade
WHEN the Maharashtra state government turned a blind eye consistently to the legitimate demands of the 70,000 ASHA workers and facilitators who had done admirable work braving the Covid pandemic for the last one and a half year, they were left with no choice but to go on strike. Several deputations and demonstrations did not make the government see reason.
Despite the Covid pandemic, no raise or special allowance was given to them. No security measures were taken for their well being and even PPEs were not given to them. No insurance amount was given to the next of kin of ASHAs who died due to Covid. And their basic demand of being given the status and wages of government employees was constant.
The ASHAs began their statewide strike struggle from June 15 and continued it for nine days. In the course of the strike, thousands of them held large demonstrations outside district and tehsil government offices. It became a powerful struggle and gained public sympathy, especially because they were health workers, had helped in Covid control, and were yet being neglected.
The joint struggle was led by the Maharashtra ASHA Workers and Facilitators Action Committee, which comprised CITU, AITUC and some other unions. The ASHAs refused to relent until progress was made on their demands and kept up the strike despite intimidation. CITU units in all districts, helped by AIDWA and other mass fronts, were in the forefront of this struggle.
Eventually, on June 23, the state government was forced to bend. Health minister Rajesh Tope had to negotiate with the leaders of the Joint Action Committee, and a settlement was arrived at. Among those who led the negotiations were CITU state president D L Karad, CITU state secretary Shubha Shamim, AITUC leader Raju Desle, SSS leader M A Patil, and others. The agreement arrived at is as follows:
1. From July 1, 2021, ASHAs will get a raise of Rs 1,500 per month and facilitators will get a raise of Rs 1,700 per month. This brings the total emoluments (centre and state) for ASHAs to Rs 8,500 per month and for facilitators to Rs 13,800 per month. Also, from next year July 1, 2022, both will get a further raise of Rs 500 per month. All the emoluments paid to them will henceforth be given in writing.
2. An allowance of Rs 200 per day will be given during the Covid vaccination campaign for work as a social mobiliser and for ground management.
3. The state government will form a committee to study the work and the service conditions of both, and their representatives will be on that committee.
4. The state government will recommend to the municipal corporations, municipal councils and municipal panchayats in the state to give an added Covid incentive to both.
5. Immediate steps will be taken to give Rs 50 lakh as insurance amount to those ASHAs and facilitators who have died of Covid.
6. ASHAs and their families will be given free treatment in district government hospitals.
7. For ASHAs who take patients to rural and district hospitals, a shelter home will be set up.
8. Strict action will be taken in cases of attacks on ASHAs and facilitators.
9. There will be no action taken and no wage cut will be imposed for the nine day strike.
After this agreement, there is among ASHAs and facilitators all over the state a sense of victory gained through united struggle. Of course, they are aware that many questions still remain unresolved. But they are prepared to fight for them again another day.