LEFT Front and mass organisations in West Bengal, while delivering relief as much as possible to the poor and stranded people, have also raised their voice on burning questions of peoples’ life and livelihood.
On April 18, leaders of Left Front and allied parties organised a silent protest in Kolkata. Keeping lockdown restrictions in mind, the leaders assembled in Red Road, outside ‘red zone’ area and stood near Ambedkar statue maintaining physical distance. They carried posters voicing peoples demands, including more Corona test in the state, providing PPE for doctors and health workers, providing food through ration for all, supply of essentials to people, providing correct information on virus and its spread. They also demanded more funds for the state government from the centre so that peoples’ needs can be catered. Around 25 leaders from the parties stood in silent protest. But Kolkata police, under instruction from state administration, showed high handedness and arrested the leaders. A veteran leader like Biman Basu was manhandled and shoved into police van. Surya Misra, Mohammad Salim, Sujan Chakraborty, Sridip Bhattacharya, Manoj Bhattacharya (RSP), Naren Chatterjee (Forward Block), Swapan Banerjee (CPI), Basudeb Basu (CPI-ML-Liberation), Samir Putatundu (PDS) and others were arrested. Salim accused that Left leaders were protesting following restriction rules but it was police who charged them physically. Biman Basu questioned about the mismanagement in ration system and in hospitals where patients were not getting proper treatment. Misra said, there should be more tests in the state. On the contrary, the state government has not sent enough sample to NICED. Suppression of information is taking place. The leaders were taken into Lalbazar police headquarters. They refused to give personal bonds. After two hours, they were released.
There were protests all over the state against this police harassment on the next day. In all districts, Left activists stood with placards and posters in from of administrative offices.
On April 21, at the call of CITU, AIKS, AIDWA, SFI and other mass organisations, protests took place throughout the state. In rural areas, activists lined up along the roads and raised the demands of the people. In industrial areas, workers stood in front of factories and residential areas with slogans written in posters. In coal field areas, coal workers put up their demands in posters. In Kolkata, Howrah, Siliguri and other urban centres, DYFI and SFI took innovative ways to protest. The major demands were food, wages and medical security.
CITU has organised protests, deputations on their own in jute mill areas. CITU demanded full wages for workers. Sit-in demonstration was organised in front of mill gates. In tea garden areas, trade unions submitted deputations to district administration demanding wages, supply of rations and adequate test for workers.