Marxism is a Key to end Exploitation
Mahesh Kumar
MARXISM is a key to end all sorts of exploitation that exists in society and that can only be achieved through revolutionary movements of working class by applying Marxist doctrine of concrete analysis of concrete conditions, said Sitaram Yechury, general secretary CPI(M) while addressing a gathering in New Delhi on the occasion of celebration of 200th birth anniversary of Karl Marx.
The programme was organised by CPI(M), Delhi state committee. The CPI(M)had organised and still organising several meetings, seminars, cultural events, in different parts of the country with huge participation of workers, students, youth, women, peasantry and people from all walks of life in connection to 200 years of Karl Marx.
Speaking on the occasion Sitaram yechuryfurther elaborated that Marxism is the only ideology which enables human beings to examine the entire history of human life and all modes of production that have existed during its course from ancient times to modern day. The methodologyof Marxism helps in identifying the social relations of production that lie at the foundation of society, the nature of classes, its dialecticsand production relations that give rise to the exploitationof working class and people. It is the contradictions within the capitalist’s modeof system which underline the process of capitalism.He quoted famous quote of Marx, “Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it” and the doctrine of change is facilitated by Marx through concrete analysis of concrete condition based on historical and dialectical materialism.
Sitaram further elaborated that a visible feature of capitalism is that it is a system of commodity production where everything is produced for selling it in the market in exchange for money. According to Marx that every commodity has the common property of being a product of human labour, but the total quantity of this labour measured in terms of time which is needed to produce a unit of one commodity is different from that of another commodity. It is interesting to note that in capitalism, those who labour are clearly not the sellers of the commodities that result from their labour. Theystill must buy the commodities which they require to meet their daily needs and buy it in exchange for money - but from where do they get this money if they do not get it from selling the commodities they have produced? They get this money in the form of wages/salariesby selling their labour-power for a definite period to the capitalist. Therefore, to pocket the surplus value, the capitalist not only purchase labour-power but also purchases the means of production which are required for production and which are also commodities that are produced. As a result,we see in capitalism, two sets of classes of people who interact with each other in the market. One is the class ofcapitalists who buy means of production from other capitalists and the labour-power of workers to produce commodities they sell to other capitalists and workers. The second is the class workers who sell their labour-power to some capitalists and purchase commodities from them or other capitalists.
He said the driving force of the capitalist mode of production is self-expansion of value and profit by using money to make more money. So here driving force behind production is not at the satisfaction of human need but blind profits. This anarchy can be eliminated only through by abolition of private property and planned process of social production driven by the objective of satisfying human needs. He said therefore, capitalism is a ‘class society’,but same society creates the conditions for a transition to socialism and the abolition of classes, and it also creates a‘working class’, the flag bearer of socialist revolution who can ensure transformation in the very process of securing their emancipation from exploitation.
He further added, the political situation world over is serious in its nature as attack of capitalists and imperialists forces are increasing on third world countries, socialist and democratically elected governments and on working classes in effective absence of socialist block. He noted that a dangerous right wing shiftalso taking place in the polity which is detrimental to the unity of working class and path to socialism. This tendency of right-wing shift is seen in US, Brazil, European countries and in India itself with the advent of BJP to power. This has posed a serious challenge to the workingclass movement and to the liberal space in the society.
And here comes the relevance of application Marxist doctrine which provides clear cut guidelines to fight against class exploitation and communalism. Slogan of Karl Marx in this regards that the ‘Workers of world unite’ to thwart the system of slaveryand extreme exploitation through its relentless class struggle and class unity is essential tool in this fight.Today peasant-worker unity in India is taking shape which can pose real threat to the right wing ruling class which detrimental to cause of working class of country and its people. Onlyadvancement of working class strugglescan transform the society, which in turn shall provide the equal opportunities to all its citizens. It shall also facilitate the converting capitalist means of production in to social means of production which shall satisfy the need of human and society.
In current political situation, while protecting workers unity is essential but simultaneously will have to build an alternative to the neo-liberal policies which are creating havoc in the lives of common people. He said, globally 82 percent of the wealth is pocketed by 1 percent and in India it is 73 percent wealth which goes to 1 percent wealthy people. Therefore, fight against extreme poverty, extreme exploitation is key to change the society. First and foremost,political task of working class is to dislodge anti worker and anti-farmer communal Modi government from power.
At the end of his speech he called upon all the party units to ensure defeat of BJP in ensuing 2019 Lok Sabha elections so that the fight of peasants and workers could be taken at another level also.
Revolutionary songs were also recited by Bangla Manch and Kajal Ghosh in front of huge gathering. Brinda Karat and Hannan Mollah, Polit Bureau Members, CPI(M) were also present on the dais. K M Tiwari, secretary CPI(M) Delhi state committee welcomed the gathering and appealed them to take the message of Karl Marx to the masses. Sanjeev Kumar of JanwadiLekhak Sangh conducted the proceedings on the stage.