THE two day sit-in dharna on August 10-11, by families of farmers who committed suicide culminated with a resolution to intensify united struggles against the neo-liberal economic policies and the insensitive approach of the Narendra Modi led BJP government as well as different state governments. Over 500 peasants and agricultural workers attended in solidarity with the 103 family members from 12 states.
Family members from different states narrated the extreme nature of the agrarian crisis and the reasons that led to the farmers committing suicide. They pointed out that neither the central government nor the state governments had done anything to mitigate their suffering. The families united by the extreme human tragedy and suffering due to government policies expressed strong resolve to unite and struggle against the neo-liberal economic policies.
The dharna demanded that the last two decades of implementation of neo-liberal policies and its impact on the peasantry be reviewed. It demanded that all loans of poor and marginal farmers as well as tenant farmers and agricultural workers be waived. It also demanded that the victim families be given a compensation of at least Rs 10 lakh per family. Hannan Mollah, general secretary of AIKS put forward the proposals for intensifying the struggle and explained that there will be a united campaign from August 16-31 against anti-farmer and anti-agricultural worker policies followed by a Demands Day on September 1. On September 2, active support for the united trade union strike in the form of rail-roko and road-roko will be taken up. Amra Ram, president of AIKS warned the Narendra Modi government and all anti-farmer governments that the flame of protest will spread across all villages in the country and a united movement will force them to withdraw such policies.
The dharna was addressed among others by Megha, daughter of Gajendra Singh, farmer who committed suicide at the AAP rally, his father Banne Singh, and many members of the family of farmers who committed suicide. Prof. Utsa Patnaik, renowned economist, P Sainath, senior journalist, Hannan Mollah, Amra Ram, Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) general secretary and MP, Prakash Karat, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, AK Padmanabhan, CITU president, Tapan Sen, CITU general secretary and MP, Jagmati Sangwan, AIDWA general secretary, Thirunavakkarasu, AIAWU president, Swadesh Devroye, CITU secretary, Jitendra Chowdhury, MP (Lok Sabha) and convenor, Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch, Prof. Vikas Rawal, Dr Sunilam, KK Ragesh and Badruddoza Khan, MPs and leaders of farmers’ organisations and activists, Vikram Singh, SFI joint secretary also addressed the gathering. Sankar Datta, PK Sreemathi, MB Rajesh, MPs were also present. Amra Ram presided over the dharna
Banne Singh and Megha called upon all farmers to unite and struggle without falling prey to divisive tendencies. Prof. Utsa Patnaik pointed that the neo-liberal economic policies and trade liberalisation were the root cause of the unending agrarian crisis. P Sainath pointed out how the government was under-reporting farm suicides and trying to give a false picture far removed from the reality. Sitaram Yechury extended full support to the struggle and said that the CPI(M) would also take this fight in the parliament in addition to actively involving in strengthening mass struggles.
Prakash Karat said that the prime minister was backtracking from his election time promises and betraying the interests of the peasantry. Although the BJP had promised remunerative prices for crops as per the Swaminathan Commission recommendation of C2+50 percent or at least 50 percent above cost of production they have gone back on the promise. Public investment in agriculture and rural development is being curtailed and MGNREGA is being starved of funds as well as scaled down drastically he said. He pointed out that the government policies were leading to the extreme agrarian distress and unprecedented rise in suicides in the last one year. He expressed solidarity with the families and extended support to the struggle.
Hannan Mollah explained the experience of different AIKS teams that visited suicide prone areas and pointed out that united struggles were the only way ahead. He pointed out that the Narendra Modi government had been given a fitting rebuff on the Land Acquisition Ordinance by the broad united struggle. Tapan Sen extended support of the working class and said in the coming days there will be more coordinated united struggles by building worker-peasant unity. Jagmati Sangwan, general secretary of AIDWA also said that the women will join in the struggle across the country. NK Shukla, Vijoo Krishnan and Krishna Prasad were present.
The Jan Natya Manch performed a play in solidarity with the farmers. The dharna concluded for the day with the lighting of candles with the resolve that the united struggle against neo-liberal economic policies and the anti-farmer Modi government will be taken forward across the country.