Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Quad for West Asia: India in Losing Game

THE part-virtual and part-person meeting of the foreign ministers of four countries – the United States, Israel, India and United Arab Emirates – on October 18 saw the emergence of a new grouping in West Asia.  It is significant that the meeting took place when the Indian foreign minister, S Jaishankar, was visiting Israel to hold talks with the Naftali Bennett government.According to the US readout of the meeting, the talks concerned trade, climate change, energy and maritime security.

An Appeal for Tripura Solidarity Fund

ON September 8, Tripura witnessed widespread attacks on CPI(M) offices and the houses of CPI(M) cadres across the state.  More than a score of offices were burnt down or ransacked.  Even the state committee office in Agartala was not spared.  Vehicles in front of the offices were burnt. Many houses of Party leaders and activists were set on fire or ransacked.  These coordinated attacks by mobs of BJP men were meant to suppress the CPI(M) and stop its activities among the people.

J&K: Disillusionment, Hopelessness Created by BJP’s Divisive Policies Bound to Provide Ground for Extremism to Grow

THE recently concluded visit of union home minister Amit Shah, his first since the special status of Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370 was arbitrarily and unconstitutionally revoked in August 2019, has been one more addition to the long list of disillusionments as except rhetoric nothing came out of it.

Stop This Abject Privatisation

THE CITU in a statement issued on October 25, condemned the destructive exercise of the government to transfer the national assets and infrastructures in the hands of private corporate, both domestic and foreign. It said, "Air India sale is the most current example."The CITU quoting from a media report said that the government is making a hasty move for amending the Bank Nationalisation Acts.

Hold Protests against hike in Petroleum Prices: Yechury

SPEAKING over the precarious economic situation of the people in the country, Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of CPI(M) said that the BJP has no concern for peoples’ welfare. Almost every day the prices of petroleum products are raised. This has led to a cascading effect on the economy. Prices of essential items have increased due to these policies. The Party has given a call to hold protests in the country against price rise and all units across the country will hold demonstrations.  

Can the Developing World Stand Up to The Global North at COP-26?

AS delegations from 192 countries head to Glasgow for the 26th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), it is important to underline some of the key issues before the global south as a whole, including India in particular. These nations face a double challenge in Glasgow. On the one hand they are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change which is a result of emissions from the rich countries of the global north and the continuing inaction of the latter to mitigate climate change.

Europe: The Subordinate Ally of the United States

IN recent months, European countries and the European Union have been put under pressure from the United States to substantially break ties with the People’s Republic of China as well as to orient Europe’s military towards confrontation with China. The pressure campaign – which began with US President Donald Trump and continues with his successor Joe Biden – goes against the obvious interests of most European countries.

Don’t Centralise Database

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on October 28THE proposed amendment of the law to enable the centre to maintain the database of registered births and deaths at the national level is an unwarranted step of centralisation.At present, the registration of births and deaths is under the purview of the state governments.The amendment proposed to the Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969 providing for the centre to maintain the database is to facilitate the updating of the National Population Register (NPR) which is the basis on which the Nati

Pegasus: Government has to Answer

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on October 27THE government had refused to give a categorical answer to the Supreme Court whether any State agency used Pegasus spyware or not.This evasive stand, itself, was an admission of their complicity in the matter.  It was the same obduracy that saw the entire monsoon session of parliament getting stalled.  Since the Court has observed that national security cannot be the cover to deny a concrete response, it is incumbent upon the government to give a categorical reply.The Supreme Cour


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