Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Haridwar Meet: Take Strong Action

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 24:THE extreme hate speeches and incitement to violence against Muslims at the so-called dharam sansad in Haridwar is a flagrant violation of the Constitution, the legal framework. The speeches are akin to supporting terrorist acts including against former prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh.It could continue without hindrance for three days because of the impunity such people enjoy under the BJP-led governments.

Linking Aadhaar with Voter ID: “Curation or Disenfranchisement”

IN the current context, we see the state mutating itself into a form that exerts greater control on the civilian population through surveillance infrastructure & mechanisms, which by the day is becoming a necessary condition to suit itself to serve the interests and needs of the big capital, paving the way for maximisation of profits for the market forces. The Aadhaar project is the lynchpin to crackdown on welfare measures and a necessary condition to carry forward the devastating reforms in the neo-liberal phase.

Tripura: Fight Divisive Forces with Unity, Determination: Manik Sarkar

TRIPURA Rajya UpajatiGanamukti Parishad (GMP) observed the 77th formation day of Janashiksha Samityon December 27 to remember the pivotal role the organisation made in promoting literacy among the Tribal youth of Tripura. A meeting was held in Agartala Town Hall to mark the day.The former chief minister and Polit Bureau member, Manik Sarkar said the embryo of GMP developed into the womb of Janashiksha Samity. Tribal-nontribal unity surged in the state in spite of sectarian provocations because of the GMP.

IWA Urges MP’s & Public to Oppose New Nationality and Borders Bill

INDIAN Worker’s Association(IWA) has stated that the proposed Nationality and Borders Bill is oppressive, racist, discriminatory and above all, immoral. The new draconian Bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons by 366 votes to 265. The Bill, according to the government, is proposed to increase fairness in the asylum system and to deter illegal entry into the UK and easily remove people that the home secretary, at her discretion, deems to be a threat to the nation.

Spiralling Gas and Electricity Prices in Europe are Lessons for India

THE current crisis in Europe of spiralling gas prices, coupled with a cold snap, brings out that the transition of any part of the world to green energy is not going to be easy. It also brings out the complexity in such a transition, that energy is not simply choosing the right technology, but that it has economic and geopolitical dimensions as well.The European Union has made its problem of a green transition worse by choosing a completely market-based approach for gas pricing.

A Good Augury for the New Year: 2021 was a year full of travails but ended with a triumph

THE year gone by 2021, was a year full of travails but ended with a triumph for the people.The second Covid wave fueled by the Delta variant ravaged the people between March and May. The country was unprepared for this onslaught since Modi and his government had proclaimed victory over the virus in January itself. As a result of this false optimism, tens of thousands died, many of them unrecorded. The terrible sight of patients gasping for lack of oxygen and bodies floating down the Ganga were beamed all over the world.

Bring Back the Girls to Class: SFI’s Girls Convention Call

SIXTH all India girls’ convention of SFI was held successfully in Sikar, Rajasthan, from December 17-19, 2021, with the slogan of combating gendered push out in educational institutes. The anti-people government at the centre has coupled up the challenges put forward by the pandemic and its unprecedented affect on the common mass. A huge number of students from marginalised families are forced to leave studies and commit to an unhealthy work atmosphere due to the financial meltdown and apathy of the ruling government.

Historic Farmers’ Struggle in India: An Overview

THE unprecedented farmers’ struggle that began at the borders of India’s capital Delhi on November 26, 2020, and which won a historic victory over the reactionary forces of corporate communalism and also imperialism a full one year and fifteen days later on December 11, 2021, has been by far the largest, the longest and the most powerful nationwide farmers’ struggle in the history of India, and also in the world.


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