Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

US Bluster on Ukraine

THE inception of the current crisis on Ukraine lies in the continuing eastward expansion of NATO.  Contrary to what was promised to Russia by the United States in the post-Soviet period that NATO would not expand eastward, all the East European countries and the Baltic states, which were part of the Warsaw Treaty were brought into the NATO.  Russia now fears that Ukraine and Georgia, that were part of the Soviet Union, are next in line.

Unite to Defend Federalism

SOME chief ministers of the opposition-ruled states have been discussing about the need for a united stand to defend federalism and to counter the onslaught of the Modi government on centre-state relations.The need for a united stand of state governments in defense of states’ rights cannot be overstated.  The Modi government has, in its second term, stepped up the drive to centralise and concentrate all powers in its hands; no sphere of centre-state relations has been spared from the depredations of the centre.  The most extreme step was the dismantling of the state of Jammu & Kashmir i

CITU Supports Struggle against Privatisation of Chandigarh Electricity Department

Below we publish the statement issued by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions on February 15THE central government has decided to privatise the Chandigarh Union Territory Electricity Department. This is the cheapest and efficient electricity provider to the city and suburb populations. Moreover it is a profit making entity.In utter defiance of the judicial dictum, the city electricity department will be bundled into a company and its share would be transferred to a private company.

An Unimaginable Contrast

MUCH has been written about the immense increase in economic inequality that has occurred of late and various startling figures have been provided by bodies like Oxfam, which has just come out with a report titled Inequality Kills. This shows that the wealth of the 10 richest men has doubled since the pandemic began while the incomes of 99 per cent of the population of the world are lower today than before the pandemic.

Victory for SFI Movement

DIFFERENT studies conducted by UNICEF, at different times, during the last two years after the breakout of the pandemic, have shown over and over again that reading, writing and arithmetic skills of children are being severely disadvantaged because of prolonged closure of schools, and this was adversely affecting their path to progress.

Hindi Belt tightens for the BJP

BIHAR in 2020 witnessed a state assembly election where the JD(U)-BJP coalition emerged victorious, but not before it got a big scare. In coalition with Left parties, the RJD emerged as the single-largest party and the call of ‘unemployment’ by Tejaswi got a phenomenal response in the middle of a raging pandemic.Could UP finish what Bihar had just started?

Why Capitalist Governments Worry More about Inflation than Unemployment?

CAPITALIST governments invariably seek to control inflation by enlarging unemployment. This has nothing to do with any belief in a stable “trade-off” between the two, namely in a stable curve that links the two. Even those who attribute inflation to other causes, such as excessive money supply (“too much money chasing too few goods”) and find the solution to it in monetary stringency, are in effect seeking to control it through larger unemployment, since monetary stringency causes larger unemployment.This raises many questions. The first question is: why is this so?

TekFog – BJP Automating Hate

AN online news portal The Wire has recently published a three part investigative report on a sophisticated secret app called TekFog. This is used by BJYM’s (the youth-wing of the BJP) IT Cell to automate its online hate campaigns. According to the investigation, the app can “hijack” WhatsApp accounts of people without their knowledge or consent, and use these accounts in automated campaigns.

Israel Seeks to Prevent the Use of Word ‘Apartheid’ to Define its Occupation of Palestine

ON January 27, 2022, the Hebrew-language news site Walla published part of the text from a telegram sent by Amir Weissbrod – who is part of the Israeli foreign ministry – to Israeli embassies around the world. The telegram warned the Israeli diplomats that in the upcoming 49th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which is expected to begin on February 28, a report will be tabled regarding Israel’s 2021 bombing of Gaza.


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