Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Telangana: Rallies and Dharnas at Collectorates Demanding Land, Houses for Poor

ON the call given by the Telangana Struggle Forum of Mass Organisations, people took out massive rallies and staged dharnas at various district collectorates in the state for three days this month, demanding house sites, double bedroom houses and other relief for the poor. They demanded the government to give pattas on government lands occupied by the poor and sanction Rs 5 lakh each for construction of houses thereon.

Contextualisation of the Symbol of the Hijab

THE images of women in Iran burning their hijabs has prompted the social media trolls of the BJP in India to taunt women activists who have opposed the Karnataka government’s ban on wearing the hijab to educational institutions. One of them said “show these (the photographs)  to shameless Indian women who want to cover girls in hijab”. As usual the trolls have got it wrong. In Iran the custodial death of Mahsa Amini, the 22 year old Kurdish woman in Teheran has led to a series of protests in Teheran and elsewhere.

March for Education: Save India, Save the Constitution, and Save Education-II

THE war between Ukraine and Russia showed the state of education in the country. About 25 thousand Indian students went to study medical science in Ukraine, because there are not enough opportunities to study medicine in the country. Meanwhile, the ratio of doctors to the population is very low in India. There are not enough medical colleges even. Those who went to study in Ukraine, Russia, or Eastern Europe are not those who belong to rich families, but mostly from middle-class families.

Telangana: Defeat the Modi dispensation and protect secular democracy

SITARAM Yechury, general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), and other leaders of the Party reiterated that it is the bounden duty of every patriot in the country to unitedly fight against and defeat the BJP government at the centre at the hustings to the Lok Sabha to protect secular democracy, religious harmony, the constitution and federalism.

Polit Bureau Communique

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met in New Delhi on September 15-16. It has issued the following statement on September 16.BROADEST MOBILISATION OF SECULARFORCES TO DEFEAT HINDUTVA COMMUNALISMThe Polit Bureau decided that the Party will work to develop its independent strength, strengthen Left unity and forge unity of Left and Democratic forces.

Karnataka Should Revive Its Renaissance & Progressive Ethos: Pinarayi Vijayan

WHEN we are celebrating 75 years of independence, our country is ruled by the very forces which never participated in the freedom struggle and are now undermining the cherished values of democracy and secularism. Karnataka which has a great tradition of renaissance and progressive ethos is now under attack from these communal forces. Karnataka should revive its ethos and defeat the attempts of converting it into a testing ground of communalism in south India, CPI(M) Polit Bureau Member and Kerala Chief Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan said.

Demonstration Held in Srinagar against price rise and other demands

ON September 17, the Press Colony in Srinagar, located a short walk away from historic Lal Chowk, teemed with hundreds of CPI (M) workers carrying placards and banners.  Soon the area reverberated with slogans denouncing the wrong and repressive policies of the   BJP government. The demonstration was held as part of the CPI (M) nationwide programme against price rise, unemployment, attacks on the working class, peasants, apple growers, and democratic rights of the people. The workers, well-nigh, from all the districts of Kashmir, participated in the demonstration.

Student –Youth Insaf Rally: Rally in Defiance, Rally for Justice

SFI AND DYFI held a massive Insaf (justice) rally in the heart of Kolkata on Tuesday, September 20, to seek justice for Anis Khan, Sudipta Gupta, Maidul Islam Midya, Bidyut Mandal, and other young activists killed by police, the regime, and armed criminals during the decade-long tyrannical rule of the Trinamool Congress and demand proper education, jobs, and an end to rampant corruption.

Europe’s Economic Hara-Kiri

THE cessation of natural gas supplies from Russia to Europe in retaliation against Western sanctions imposed on Russia because of the Ukraine war, is threatening Europe not only with a winter with inadequate heating that will take a big toll in terms of lives among poor people, but also with large-scale closures of enterprises; such closures would push up the unemployment rate, and significantly increase poverty and destitution among the workers.It is not just the immediate effect on Europe that threatens to be severely adverse; capital has already started relocating away from Europe to the


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