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On Uttarakhand Tragedy

On Uttarakhand Tragedy

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) issued the following statement on June 21, 2013.

THE horror and immense tragedy of the loss of human lives and unprecedented destruction of homes and livelihoods in the Kedarnath, Chamoli and other regions of Uttarakhand is still unfolding. The numbers of those killed is rising every day. The urgency of immediate rescue and evacuation operations for the thousands who are stranded cannot be emphasised enough. The central government must extend its full support to the state government including for funds and materials.

It is essential for the state government to harness the energy of all political parties and citizens organisations to devote their entire united energy into providing relief and succour to those affected. It must also enquire into the role that the indiscriminate tunnelling of the hills by power projects and the huge dumps of silt which were never cleared, had to play in this terrible tragedy.

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) extends its deep condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives. It expresses its sympathy and solidarity to the lakhs of people affected. It calls upon its units all over the country to collect funds and materials urgently for relief to those affected.

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