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CPI(M) greets CPUSA on its 30th National Convention

CPI(M) greets CPUSA on its 30th National Convention

Below we publish the text of the greetings sent by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) to the Communist Party of the United States of America on its 30th National Convention held in Chicago from June 13-15, 2014.

THE Communist Party of India (Marxist) greets the 30th National Convention of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) and wishes it all success. Through the delegates attending the Convention, we greet all the members of the CPUSA.
The attacks on the working class, peasantry and all the other toiling sections of the society have intensified in the recent period. The prolonged global economic crisis had further increased the burdens on the working people all over the world. The entire world is engulfed by the crisis that had its genesis more than six years ago and is not yet showing any signs of abatement. For us Marxist-Leninists, this is not something new, as Marx had taught us long back that capitalism is a social system laden with crises – intrinsic and inherent in the manner it organises production. The present crisis, once again proves the validity of Marxism-Leninism.
Of course, as communists, we are not overwhelmed on being vindicated, rather the crisis once again reminds us of the necessity to hasten our work among the masses, strengthen the 'subjective factor', the Party of the working class, as Lenin used to call it and intensify our struggles against the present exploitative capitalist system. Once again, as Lenin had taught us, no amount of crises can ensure the fall of the system on its own, it 'needs to be overthrown'. The historical responsibility of overthrowing capitalism is thus upon us.
People are coming out onto the streets against the burdens imposed upon them and in defence of their rights. We are watching with particular interest the various working class struggles taking place in the USA – workers struggle in defence of their right to strike and organise in Wisconsin, the struggle for an increase in the minimum wages and a hike in the minimum wage in Seattle to $15, etc – are of great significance. We are also watching with interest the political developments in your country, the fountainhead of imperialism, specifically the growth of the Tea Party and the right-wing forces. We had witnessed the growth of fascism and Nazism during the 1930's, an off-shoot of the Great Depression. Today, we are once again witnessing a spurt in the activities of the right-wing, fundamentalist, neo-nazi forces in many countries.
As you are aware, the CPI(M) and the Left had suffered an electoral setback in the recently concluded general elections to the Indian parliament. The right-wing Hindu fundamentalist forces, represented by the BJP had won a comfortable majority on their own and formed the government. They are backed by the big bourgeoisie in the country.
The ruling class and their parties are trying their level best to politically isolate our Party and stifle our voice. In West Bengal, one of our strongholds, the level of attacks carried on our Party and cadre is unprecedented. Hundreds of our comrades were brutally murdered, thousands of our comrades are forced to leave their homes and villages along with their families. 'Rape' has become a political weapon in the hands of our political opponents. On the voting day, many of our supporters were not allowed to vote. Despite our repeated attempts the State machinery remained largely silent.
Behind all these attacks in West Bengal is an intense class struggle – the erstwhile landlords who have lost their lands due to the land reforms introduced by the CPI(M)-led Left Front government when in power, are leading them. The ruling classes want to reverse the land reforms and grab the land from the poor peasants who had benefited from them. The capitalists want the CPI(M) to be marginalised in the state, so that we cannot stand by the interests of the working class and other exploited sections. Our Party is in the thick of this class struggle, resisting all their attempts to reverse the gains made by the working class and poor peasants. We are confident that the Party, guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism, will not only withstand these attacks, but also repulse them to emerge stronger.
On behalf of the CPI(M) we once again wish the 30th National Convention of the CPUSA all success. We take this opportunity to express our solidarity with you in your struggles against exploitation, in defence of the rights of the working class and for a change of the present exploitative capitalist system to socialism. Though the struggle will be long and arduous, we are confident that guided by the principles of scientific socialism and 'concrete analysis of concrete conditions', we are bound to succeed.

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