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Ideological Politics of BJP in Power

Ideological Politics of BJP in Power
CP Bhambhri

THE real essential goal of Hindu Sangh Parivar led and controlled by Mohan Bhagwat, the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh is to control the State power and its apparatus and instruments to establish a Hindu State and society in India.This is the reason why Mohan Bhagwat publically stated that it is for the first time after 67 years of India in Independence that a real Hindu government has been formed at the centre with RSS Pracharak Narendra Modi at the helm of affairs. The Sangh Parivar and its political shop, the BJP, clearly understand the meaning of State power in their hands, because it is for the first time that that the BJP has formed its own government on the basis of its own majority of 282 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. They are using this extraordinary opportunity for spreading and strengthening its ideology of Hindutva. The Narendra Modi led government from May 26, 2014 to January 26, 2015, the Republic Day has taken many steps to achieve its goal of exercising governmental power at the centre to rewrite and reverse the philosophical agenda of the secular, democratic, pluralistic and welfarist contribution of the Indian republic. A few facts may be mentioned to substantiate the argument that all affiliates of the RSS controlled groups under the protective and pro-active umbrella of the Modi government have been working overtime to implement its anti-religious minority agenda for the last seven months. First, a clear method behind the madness of RSS groups and Hindu leaders is to tell Muslims and Christians that they are in wrong religious company because as “original Hindus” they should come back to Hindu religion and this “ghar wapasi” campaign has been publically launched because the Hindu government of Narendra Modi is not at all a stumbling block in this venture. The authenticity of “conversion” “reconversion” “ghar wapasi” campaigns of the RSS affiliates can be attributed to RSS supremo Mohan Bhagwat whose statements are like a command for all swayam sevaks. The oracle Bhagwat put a seal of approval on the obnoxious campaign when on December 20, 2014 while addressing Vishwa Hindu Parishad at Kolkata, he observed “Those who drifted away will be brought back to their original faith. If someone steals your belongings, it should finally come back to you.” Religions except Hinduism are based on people who have gone “astray’ and hence “ghar wapasi” is very relevant. The real meaning of this anti-conversion campaign is that the Sangh Parivar and the BJP-in-government does not accept constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion and is trying to turn upside down the secular philosophical foundations of republic of India.The secular parties launched as agitation against “conversion” campaign because it is against constitution. Mohan Bhagwat and Venkaiah Naidu of the BJP proposed that the opposition parties should agree to a common anti-conversion law for the whole country. The secular opposition rejected this proposal because the real meaning of “campaign for re-conversion” is to make religious minorities feel culturally inferior and second-class-citizens in Hindu India. Second, closely linked with the goal of making everyone in India a Hindu, is the demand of BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj that “the Hindu women should have more children” obviously with the goal of making India highly populated by Hindus only.On one hand, the RSS led affiliates and the BJP does not respect rights of women to take decisions about themselves. On the other, by launching a notorious hate campaign on so-called “love jihad”, by propagating that Muslim boys were courting Hindu girls to marry them and elope, they reduce women to a status of subordination and complete subjugation. The equal rights of women as guaranteed by the democratic republican constitution are undermined by the Sangh Parivar which wants to control a woman’s right to marry a person of her own choice. Incidentally, it is a real fact that from K B Hegdewar (1925) to Mohan Bhagwat (2015) all supremos of the RSS have been male, and preferably brahmacharis.The Modi government and the Sangh Parivar during the last seven months have packed every educational and cultural organisation with RSS activists and other Sangh and BJP committed supporters. The Censor Board chief, Leela Samson resigned on January 16 and publically alleged that the present government was “interfering” in the work of film certification. Arun Jaitley made an offensive statement on January 17 on her resignation and labelled her as a “UPA government appointee”. As if this is not enough, the BJP government on January 19 appointed Pahlaj Nihalani as chairman of the Central Board of Film Certification along with actors owing allegiance to the BJP and the RSS and the cat was out of the bag when Nihalani on January 20, just a day after his appointment, declared that he was with the BJP and Narendra Modi. The story does not end here; the educational and cultural agenda for the Hinduisation of all institutions of society imparting education to children in schools, colleges and universities where Hindu scriptures like Bhagwad Gita, Mahabharatha and Ramayana versions as certified by priests of Sangh Parivar along with Sanskrit has to be taught. Smriti Irani, the HRD minister is following the Sangh Parivar Itihas Organisation’s order to “correct” history textbooks and to see to it that they are “re-written” from Hindu perspective and this is the reason why the NCERT director Sinclair, like Samson of Censor Board, has been given marching orders by the government for making a place for a Hindu Rashtravadi historian as it has been done in the case of Indian Council for Historical Research. The Sangh Parivar and the BJP ministers like prime minister and home minister have been “glorifying” Ancient India for all wisdom including scientific knowledge of high order. The State power is exercised by the Modi government to inculcate values which are anti-modern science and brahmanical Hindu symbols like surya namaskar and Hindu temples have gained great legitimacy under this government of “Bhagwa Dhwajya.” Muslims are targeted for indulging in “cow slaughter” activities and such identification by the BJP governments creates a great sense of insecurity and anxiety among the Muslims. Finally, intolerance of democratic right of dissent has become a “norm” during the last seven months of the Narendra Modi government and all sorts of obscurantist communal casteist groups have felt encouraged to ‘coerce” those with whom they differ. One another example is of Tamil writer Perumal Murugan, whose novel Madhorubagan translated into English as One Part Woman had to declare on Facebook on January 16-17 that “Perumal, the writer, is dead” because of protests against him launched by sectarian Hindu and casteist groups. The above facts have been mentioned to reiterate the larger ideological and political line that the real meaning of State power for the forces of Sangh Parivar is to homogenise India of great diversities and pluralities into one Hindu Rashtra.It is not BJP-in-government at the centre and in states, it is the RSS led Sangh Parivar which is in the real driver’s seat and is controlling all the institutional and ideological apparatus of the Indian State to achieve its ideological goal of establishing Hindu State in the mirage of so-called Ancient Hindu India. The State is always an important centre of power for the fanatically committed “ideologues” like the present rulers in India.The plea here is that a focus on the Modi government’s policies and programmes to hand over India to foreign and Indian monopoly and capitalist classes should be a critical issue, however the larger ideological project of State power in the hands of RSS should not be ignored at all. The ideological superstructure plays an important role in shaping and making of a society. 

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