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Sixteenth IMCWP Held In Ecuador

Sixteenth IMCWP Held In Ecuador

Below we reproduce the press statement of the Communist Party of Ecuador on the 16th International Meeting of Communists and Workers’ Parties held in Guayaquil, Ecuador from November 13-15.

THE 16th International Meeting of the Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) was held from November 13-15 in Guayaquil, Ecuador with the theme: 'The role of the Communists and workers’ parties in the struggle against the imperialist and capitalist exploitation that causes crisis, wars, and increases the fascists and reactionary forces. For the fight in order to have workers and people’s rights, for national and social emancipation, for socialism'.
85 delegates representing 53 parties from 44 different countries participated in the meeting; also we received greetings/messages from other parties that were not able to attend this important meeting because of various reasons. During the meeting some themes were analyzed, such as the effects of the intensifying capitalist and imperialist exploitation that is one of the causes for the regional conflicts today, a new world conflagration and the revival of fascist and neo-fascist tendencies, through which the oligarchies and the imperialist powers try to perpetuate the unfair world order. The participants also discussed the people’s response and the role of the communist and workers’ parties during this period.
The meeting noted that the neo-liberal process that has been imposed on the people is unsustainable and that it gets worse with the economic and environmental crisis. These crises are producing deep and complex changes in today’s world that is causing an increase of new actors in the international relations and the loss of the influences of the traditional powers.
Each time, with more strength, the imperialist aggression is expressed by the execution of conventional wars, in different parts of the world. The imperial designs set new geopolitical areas that let them have more control of the natural resources of the so called “Third World” and of the international trade routes. Therefore, we are witnessing an offensive action to prevent the multipolar tendencies from getting consolidated.
The meeting noticed that the United States for restoring its unipolar hegemony, increases the use of military forces combined with media, political, ideological, and cultural and economic tools that generate conflicts.
The outcome of this situation will depend, among other factors, on the capacity of the communists, democratic, progressive and revolutionary forces in the world, in order to have a decisive participation in the political and ideological struggle supporting the social changes and for acquiring a new international order.
It was reported that part of this war alliance and reactionary wave is the renewed neo-liberal counter offensive against Latin America and the Caribbean, whose principal objective is the elimination of progressive governments in the region as these governments promote social policies, as well as a new type of economic, political and social integration that defends sovereign interests.
Also identified were subversive imperialist actions like the interference in these countries using 'traditional' agencies like the CIA and the USAID, who act in strong coordination with the national bourgeois that are closely linked with the North American capital.
The objective of this brazen subversive action is to destabilise the society and find justifications for even the use of violent means which lead to regime changes displacing the progressive regimes.
The meeting was informed of the experience of progressive and revolutionary governments in Latin America, and the considerable progress on decreasing poverty, the Latin American and Caribbean integration, and the restoring of sovereignty that have caused a violent reaction from the national oligarchies and intensified their efforts for restoring their neoliberal projects.
The meeting was also informed of progressive experiences that came as a result from the aspirations and popular struggles in the region in order to defend national sovereignty, from the efforts for economic independence, to strengthen the State, trying to end neoliberalism and the creation of regional economic cooperation blocs seeking independence and support from UNASUR, MERCOSUR, South Bank, CELAC. This is a chain process in the fight against colonialism, of developing resistance against economic extortion and others.
These experiences mentioned showed that the continent sends new signals of hope in the search of social justice and for another world of equality and has become a political referendum that supports the change through that world – talked about so much.
Particular reference was also made of the almost unanimous international rejection to the economic, trade and financial blockade against Cuba, increasing the harassment of commercial, financial, and bank institutions related with Cuba, expanding it by giving an extra territorial character and also affecting its closest allies, a policy that remains in force in open violation of the principles and the Charter of the United Nations.
It was reported that the continuous economic and financial crisis of Europe has been used as a justification and a cover for the elite imperial powers for reinforcing the destruction of what was known as the social wealth.
Along with the fiscal austerity measures (understood as deep cuts and total elimination of social welfare programs) the European consortia have claimed for the achievement of an alleged competitive production as a way out of the crisis, which has led to layoffs, insecurity in employment contracts and a further erosion of the purchasing power of workers.
Participants also condemned the European involvement in conflicts led by NATO, using pretexts and concepts of “human security” and “protection responsibility”, among others.
It was noted that the crisis continues impacting the political forces of the region, deepening the decline in the political culture, reducing governability and raising social instability – all elements that show the vulnerabilities of bourgeois liberal-democratic model.
The meeting also noted the voracity of European capitalism, which with the support of US imperialism seeks to develop a policy of coercive economic blackmail that aims to block the import and export markets and has imposed sanctions to the detriment of the people of those countries. In this difficult scenario of advancing neoliberal ideology, there is a proliferating boom of the ultra-reactionary forces, capturing large segments of the electoral forces.
It was emphasized that NATO continues its pressures to expand its borders, especially towards the east of the European continent and its involvement in conflicts in their territory.
Participants expressed their solidarity with the Ukrainian comrades who have directly faced the onslaught of neo-fascism in their country. There were attempts on the life of many Communists, who were also victims of violent attacks on their homes and the Party headquarters. The neo-fascist forces that have captured power continue their slaughter against the people of Dontesk and other regions that proclaimed their desire for political and territorial independence.
The participants condemned the recent Zionist bombing against Gaza, part of the overall strategy of imperialism in the region. This strategy aims to break the unity of the Palestinian forces, destroy the resistance and maintain the policy of occupation, which fully meets US interests. The reaction of the Palestinian resistance and the pressure mounted by international solidarity, forced Israel to stop the genocide and commit to indirect negotiations.
The geopolitical significance of the region makes it a battleground in the alleged fight against terrorism, hiding the real agenda that is to secure the sea routes as essential for the development of trade and to guarantee national security of the major world powers.
The meeting analyzed the criminal mercenary bands organized by the CIA, the NATO, which permitted, encouraged and financed by reactionary governments in the Middle East continue killing men, women, children and indigenous people en masse. They have forced migration of people with hunger, poverty, discrimination and without any hope for survival.
The new situation in Iraq and Syria with the proclamation of the Islamic State, a pawn of the United States, the West and a reactionary group of Arab countries, exceeds the territorial scope of a nation State. This is a result to serve their interest by putting pressure on the regional governments in order to alter the regional geopolitical balance with a strategy that includes keeping alive the crisis in Syria, to overthrow Bashar Al Assad, and to reconfigure Iraq and curb Iran's regional influence. The threat of the Islamic State is being used as a ruse by the United States to justify actions that accommodate their regional interests. The proliferation of jihadi groups and the manipulation of the religious factor are part of the American game.
The meeting highlighted that in sub-Saharan Africa, which inherited political, economic and social problems of colonialism and neocolonialism, combined with the effects of the current global crisis and the policy of imperialism, have caused instability, conflict and imperialist intervention. The natural wealth of the continent has become a strategic area for the imperialist interest. The struggle for markets and the influential spheres have exacerbated the contradictions between the different imperialist powers to take the lead. Eastern, Western and Central Africa confront the activities of jihadist groups, followers of Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram in Nigeria or Al Shabaab in Somalia. NATO countries use their presence as a justification to increase their military presence on the continent. The scramble of the big capital is deepened by the enormous economic resources of this continent, which is contradictorily classified as both the richest and poorest region in the world, facing harsh realities as the latest Ebola, that threats Western African countries.
It was also mentioned that Asia and the Pacific, the most dynamic economic area in the world, the Obama Administration has proclaimed the "political pivot" which is the re-launch of the US in the region that they consider part of its national security strategy and also of its policy of containing China and Russia.
In this context, the struggle of the communist parties to ensure continuity of socialist processes in China, Vietnam, Laos and the DPRK, in order to ensure its governance, stability and sovereignty, is particularly important for both the region and in global politics.
It was stressed that the present turbulent international situation, marked by the systemic crisis of world imperialism, the increase in international armed conflicts in all corners of the planet and the development of neo-fascist trends, demands the communist and workers' parties and all progressive and revolutionary forces to open an unprejudiced and inclusive debate, thus banishing dogmatism and sectarianism.
Overall, it was reiterated that we must build, in line with our realities, an alternative of socialist development, that people can identify with as the way to solve their serious problems. This is the top most priority, not only of communist and workers' parties, but also all other political forces and social movements in the world genuinely concerned about the welfare of humanity.
Only socialist proposals, which create the basis for transforming the reality of today's world will be able to save humanity from the attack of fascism, war, uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources that confuses and manipulates millions of people.
The parties gathered in Guayaquil, said that the only viable alternative to capitalism is socialism, which means full independence as an indispensable condition for development, social justice, equal opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, human solidarity, respect for the environment and the right of people to choose freely and democratically a model of society they decide to have.
Participants noted that the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties are vital for the world anti-imperialist, progressive and revolutionary movement in these times of momentous transformations, decisive for humanity.
The science of Marxism-Leninism has gained worldwide recognition for its fundamental analysis of the social situation. And also for being a practical application tool for revolutionary transformations that lays the road to socialism and communism.
The only option to advance, facing the new challenges of imperialism, expanding transnational and global powers, will be creatively building unity in diversity and solidarity between the forces of change and progress.
The meeting approved 11 initiatives of common or convergent action for Communist and Workers Parties to be carried out until the next 17th IMWCP.
The meeting mandated the Working Group of Communist and Workers Parties for its preparation.

Common And Convergent Actions of the Communists And Workers’ Parties To Be Held Until The 17th IMCWP
1. To honor May 1, through the participation in the struggles of the working class in every country, highlighting the role of the workers’ movement, their social and democratic rights along with the WFTU, which is commemorating its 70th anniversary in October 2015.
2. To campaign against the hegemonic imperialist plans, the real reasons behind the war and the manipulation of the so-called fight against terrorism, emphasizing the importance of the pursuit of peace. Develop actions against the NATO military bases and those imposed by imperialism in many countries; against interventions and militarism, with a special focus on the huge exercise of the NATO “Trident Situation 2015”.
3. To step up the fight against the imperialist wars in Iraq and Syria and the attacks by their lackeys and reactionary states against Lebanon, Libya and Tunisia. To condemn the US, NATO and the EU imperialist intervention in Ukraine and Africa.
4. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi fascism, highlighting the role of the USSR and the Communist Parties in the struggle and to develop the struggle against the reactionary rewriting of history and the laundering of fascism and Nazism.
5. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Vietnam's Victory in their liberation struggle against imperialist aggression of the United States.
6. To campaign and fight against laws and legal provisions that perpetuate anti-communist harassment. To develop solidarity actions with the parties that face anti-communist attacks, prohibitions and persecutions, such as the ones faced by the Ukrainian communists.
7. To strengthen solidarity and support with the people who are at the forefront in the resistance against the imperialist offensive and in their common actions. On the occasion of November 29, reinforce solidarity with Palestinian people. To facilitate a solidarity visit to Palestine by the members of the Working Group, open to all members of the Solidnet list.
8. To reinforce solidarity with the Communists Parties, workers and with the people in the struggle for national and social emancipation in Latin America and in another parts of the world. To affirm the peoples’ rights for sovereignty, fighting against the capital impositions, and imperialist interferences and aggressions. To reaffirm solidarity with the people’s struggle to achieve socialism in different countries.
9. To strengthen solidarity with Socialist Cuba with the purpose of ending the US blockade, for the abolition of the common position of the EU and for repelling the imperialist interventions and wars waged by the bourgeois media. To intensify the activity for the liberty of the three Cubans who are in jail in the US, and to support the international campaign that culminates in September, 2015.
10. To support and to strengthen international anti-imperialist mass organisations, the Federation of Trade Unions (WTFU), the World Peace Congress (WPC), the Women International Democratic Federation (WIDF), highlighting their role and the importance of the respective anniversaries that will be commemorated in 2015.
11. To instruct the Working Group to start reflecting in coordination with the parties of the former Soviet Union, about the commemoration and common actions on the occasion of the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

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