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Red Flags Flutter in Mandakini Valley

Red Flags Flutter in Mandakini Valley
Gangadhar Nautiyal

THE scenic Mandakini Valley was wrapped in Red flags as Party branch committees held their conferences in several localities, even in areas that were affected by the last year’s deluge. In the past one month, several villages and towns of Rudraprayag witnessed different activities by CPI(M) workers and the common people. Almost all the branch conferences began with a public meeting and the speakers were very vocal and critical about the role of the government agencies involved in the disaster management and relief.

Various conferences have passed resolution regarding the mismanagement and corruption involved in the relief and rehabilitation programmes of the government. Following the branch conferences, local committees were formed and conferences held in Guptkashi, Rudrprayag and Ukhimath. The Party workers and supporters feel that their role in helping the disaster-affected people had been of great significance and that they had helped at least three thousand families last year. The Party workers feel that this would not have been possible without the help and support of the Party units all over the country.

A massive rally in which hundreds of workers and peasants and women took part was held at the district headquarters. The massive rally led to an upsurge in the movement led by CPIM in the entire Mandakini Valley. The rally was addressed by Rajaraam Semwal, Puroshatam Puri, Gangadhar Nautiyal and Vijay Rawat among others. The two-day district conference was held at Nagar Palika hall in Rudraprayag. The conference has passed resolution on the issues of disaster, curtailing of MGNREGA and attack of wild animals, and against communalism.

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