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AIDWA Condemns the Outrageous Statement by BJP MP

AIDWA Condemns the Outrageous Statement by BJP MP

YOGI Adityanath, a BJP MP, has made a public statement to the effect that 100 Muslim girls are to be forcibly converted to Hinduism for every Hindu girl who is forced to embrace Islam. This is yet another example of the Sangh Parivar openly communalising the issue of violence against women and inciting hatred against the minority community by making the outrageous accusation that enforced conversion of Hindu women to Islam is a serious issue in this country. The atmosphere in Uttar Pradesh and in other parts of the country has already been vitiated by the way in which even inter-community marriages between consenting adults are being seen as part of a bigger game plan of this kind, and by the spreading of vicious rumours which give these elements the opportunity to raise the war-cry of 'Bahu beti bachao!' Such incendiary material has already taken toll of lives and property and poisoned the long-term relationship between communities. What Yogi Adityanath is proposing is to replace the rule of law and constitutional governance by vigilantism, abduction and retributive violence of which women are the principal target.  The All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) has in a statement issued August 28 strongly condemned this outrage and demanded that he be prosecuted by the government and expelled from parliament for such remarks which are likely to spread communal violence. 

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