Working Class Issues

ANDHRA PRADESH: Bizarre Accidents Result in a Nightmare for Workers in the Construction of Capital City

22-year-old construction worker named Devendra, from Jharkhand, was killed in an accident at the AP temporary secretariat complex construction site at Velagapudi village on May 10 where a Government Interim Complex (temporary secretariat) is being constructed.The incident took place when the worker was cleaning a cement mixer with a crow bar. He was trying to clean the inside of the drum when he was sucked in and got crushed to death. It has emerged later that the worker was not wearing the mandatory crash helmet.

On Garment Workers Struggle

THE flash strike by the garment workers in Bangalore and Visakhapatnam, almost simultaneously in the month of April attracted wide attention. The significant features of the strikes were - all these workers were women, they were not members of any trade union and no trade union led the strike in either place. In both the places, the major issue was the government notification banning withdrawal of their money from their PF accounts till retirement.19,000 workers in the Brandix India Apparel City in the Atchutapuram Special Economic Zone in Visakhapatnam were on strike from April 15, 2016.

Garment Workers Revolt That Shook The Ruling Class!

“WE are garment workers, we are meted out injustice. They say henceforth double PF would not be paid to us. We shall not work till we get it; even if we have to die for it.”  Anasuyamma, a worker of AKR garments was telling us with anger on her face. “You are injured so much, yet you talk of fighting”, we interjected. Pat came her answer. “Yes, we shall not give up our right.”  Anasuyamma’s lower leg, Jockey Garment’s 20-year old Asha’s head were bandaged for serious wounds.

No Concern for Job and Survival of Beedi Workers

SINCE the middle of February, 2016, more than one crore beedi workers, mainly in the rural areas, have lost their meagre daily earnings due to shut down by beedi manufacturers in protest against the health ministry’s notification increasing the size of pictorial health warning on tobacco containing products including beedis. This is taking place at a time when vast rural areas in different states are reeling under draught and the rural people are deprived of their earnings from agriculture and the failure of MNREGA to provide alternative jobs in rural areas.

BEFI Holds Tamilnadu State conference Successfully

THE 11th conference of Bank Employees Federation of India - Tamilnadu held at Coimbatore from March 25- 27, 2016 has been a milestone in the bank employees’ movement of this part of the country.The reception committee constituted on January 24, 2016 under the chairmanship of P R Natarajan, former MP has done an excellent job in taking care of the delegates and observers and providing a pleasant atmosphere for the smooth conduct of the conference.On March 25, the eighth special women’s conference was held for the first time as a whole day conference.

Countrywide General Strike on Sept 2, 2016

 THE Joint National Convention of Central Trade Unions and Industrial Federations held in Mavalankar Hall in Delhi on  March 30, 2016 called upon the working class of the country to observe a country wide general strike on September 2, 2016 against the anti-people, anti-national and anti-worker policies of the NDA government.Hundreds of workers from all over the country employed in the organised and unorganised sectors, public and private sectors – from public sector undertakings, banks, insurance, defence, state and central government departments, railways, telecom, port and dock, road tra

CITU Holds Massive Rally of Unorganised Sector Workers in Mumbai

MORE than 16,000 workers from four sectors – construction, powerloom, beedi and domestic work – poured into Azad Maidan to attend the statewide rally of unorganised sector workers called by CITU on March 16. The always precarious condition of these unorganised sector workers has deteriorated even further under the policies of the BJP led governments at the centre and in the state.


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