
WB: Left on Streets

AS union home minister Amit Shah was busy delivering his ‘election special’ speech for West Bengal, Left activists came out into the streets to protest against the incompetence of both the central and state governments in dealing with the situation arising out of Covid-19, as well as safeguarding peoples’ livelihood.On June 9, Shah delivered his speech in virtual mode at 11 am. As he spoke, Left activists stood in roads with red flags and placards.

BIHAR: Government’s Performance Worrisome

BIHAR is sitting on the volcanic eruption of coronavirus as the reverse migration is reaching its peak. The health infrastructure is in shamble in Bihar and the government is ill prepared to meet the situation.The pathetic conditions of the quarantine centers all across Bihar belies the rosy pictures presented from Patna by holding video conferences by the chief minister. Stories of fleeing of migrant worker from quarantine centers of Katihar, Samastipur, Sitamarhi, Begusarai, Darbhanga and many other places are the daily news of the newspapers.

Uttar Pradesh – Reality Check

UTTAR Pradesh is always in the news.  Most recently, several laudatory articles appeared in the national press praising the measures taken by the strongman chief minister to deal with the corona crisis.  Some of the sheen was lost, however, when a video in which the principal of the GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, one of the foremost medical institutions of north India, rants against first the Jamaatis whom she refers to as ‘terrorists’ who do not deserve hospitalisation and treatment.  She goes on to castigate the entire minority community.  While our Party has issued strong statements and d

WEST BENGAL: Lefts on the Street with Peoples’ Demands

Apart from providing succour to distressed, running community kitchens, providing relief to Amphan victims, the Left parties in West Bengal have organised protest movements highlighting peoples’ demands. On the one hand, the central government is sharpening its attack on peoples’ livelihood; on the other the state government has shown a paralysed reaction to both Covid-19 and recent cyclone. The Left parties have raised peoples’ issues through demonstrations and symbolic protests.16 Left and allied parties organised a protest movement on May 28.

National Protest Day against Electricity (Amendment) Bill

THE National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE) has given the call for a National Protest Day on June 1 against the Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020. The organisation demanded its withdrawal.NCCOEEE, the broad-based united platform of almost all the national federations of electricity employees and engineers, seeks attention of the countrymen to the alarming step the ministry of power is exploring to adopt through a proposed legislation.


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