THE seventh state conference of AP Girijana Sangham, a constituent of Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch(AARM) was held on January 10-11. The conference began with a colourful rally and huge public meeting at Parvatipuram in Vizianagaram district. AARM's national convener, Jitendra Chaudhury and national president, M Babu Rao addressed the gathering. They vociferously condemned the Modi government's sinister design to further marginalise the adivasi people in the country by curtailing their rights and means of livelihoods, along with all other socially backward sections and the poor. Enactment of CAA, dismantling the jurisdiction of Fifth Schedule and PESA Act, squeezing the ADCs constituted under the Sixth Schedule, phasing out the Tribal Sub-Plan system in fund allocations and over all attack upon the public education would further jeopardise the lives of the adivasis and backward people in many ways. The massive rally chanted for a pan India democratic unity of the adivasi, dalit, poor and all toiling masses, against the fascistic Hindu Rashtra design of the RSS-BJP.