V B Ganesan
TAMIL NADU, one of the leading developed states in the country is suffering in recent times under the indifferent and vindictive attitude of the central government led by the communal BJP denying the hard-earned rights of the state all along. On its part, the corrupt AIADMK government in the state had no qualms in mortgaging those rights of people just to save their skins. Though numerous struggles were conducted to safeguard the rights of the state, the voices of the people are being muzzled up by these pro-corporate parties.
In order to ensure defeat to the anti-people BJP and AIADMK in the ensuing parliamentary elections, the CPI(M) Tamil Nadu state committee has evolved a strategy to uniting the forces standing against communal BJP and corrupt AIADMK and clinched a seat adjustment with the DMK front. CPI (M) will be contesting in Coimbatore and Madurai constituencies in this election.
To take this message across the state and unite the people against the communal BJP and corrupt AIADMK, the CPI(M) has organized a series of public meetings in many parts of the state in which senior party leaders like Sitaram Yechury, Prakash Karat and Brinda Karat participated and urged the people of Tamil Nadu to ensure a decisive defeat to the anti-people front of BJP and AIADMK.
Addressing massive public meetings at Coimbatore and Chennai, the CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury reminded the audience that Tamil Nadu was one of the most industrialized states in the country which got severely affected due to the inimical economic policies of the BJP government at the centre. Country’s biggest export zone Tirupur lost its shine due to the economic crunch unleashed by the demonetisation drive. The state, once considered as a developed state also caught in the grip of vicious debt trap due to the faulty economic policies of BJP which the local AIADMK government implemented with utmost sincerity unmindful of the woes of the people. Pointing out that both BJP and AIADMK were caught of their misdeeds with the exposure of Rafale and unnecessary eight-lane highway project respectively, Sitaram Yechury appealed to the people of Tamil Nadu to unite and stand firm in defeating this corrupt, pro-corporate and anti-people front comprising of AIADMK and BJP.
Prakash Karat while addressing massive public meetings held at Nagercoil and Madurai called upon the people of Tamil Nadu to defeat the AIADMK front in the ensuing elections to the parliament as well as 18 Assembly seats. Pointing out that of all the elections held since the country’s independence this election is a very important one to decide the future course of the country. This election is to decide whether the country is going to continue as a secular –democratic republic or not. This election is also going to decide whether this country will continue to be a country to follow parliamentary democracy, a country which allows its entire people, irrespective of language, religion and caste, to live peacefully and harmoniously. Prakash Karat also urged the people to ensure the voices of the toiling masses echoed in the corridors of parliament in order to safeguard the rights and welfare of the people. He also reminded them that they have the duty to ensure the defeat the only BJP MP elected from Nagercoil and victory of the candidate from the secular front.
Addressing a mammoth meeting at Nagapattinam, Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat pointed out that while the people of Delta region were severely affected in the Gaja cyclone, Modi-led BJP government never bothered about and PM himself refused even to meet the peasants who were agitating in New Delhi. But the same Modi who was unmindful of the sufferings of the people of Tamil Nadu has visited the state four times within this month on the eve of elections just to hoodwink the people of the state. The people of Tamil Nadu should remember the indifferent attitude of the BJP and its allies and ensure their defeat in a decisive manner. Pointing out that April 18 will be a memorable day for the people of Tamil Nadu, they have an opportunity to bring down two mangoes in one stone by voting against the communal BJP and corrupt AIADMK with their one vote. With this they will be remembered by the next generations that they have defeated these anti-people forces and saved the country as well as Tamil Nadu from their clutches.
In all these meetings, the district committees including the nearby district committees handed over cheques to the leaders towards party’s election fund.