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21st Congress of CPI(M) Adopts Draft Political Resolution

21st Congress of CPI(M) Adopts Draft Political Resolution
G Mamatha

ON April 16, in the afternoon session, the Draft Political Resolution was introduced by Prakash Karat, general secretary of the Party. He said the Draft Political Resolution was discussed by the entire Party and amendments and suggestions were sent in strengthening the resolution. This resolution charts out the way for the coming three years and formulates the political tactical line for the coming three years. Highlighting the gravity of the current juncture, he said that the advent of the Modi government represents the consolidation of the rightward shift in Indian politics. It welds together the neo-liberal thrust and the Hindutva drive with a pro-imperialist orientation.Speaking of the international situation, Prakash Karat said that the world has not yet fully recovered from the economic crisis. He said the US is continuing its effort to retain its hegemonic role globally through military interventions and through its dominant role in the world capitalist system. The US-led interventions in Iraq, Libya and Syria in West Asia has resulted in widespread human casualties and rising Islamist extremism. Some significant changes have taken place, like in Greece. The resolution notes that in Greece, “Big working class actions were conducted under the leadership of the Trade Union Confederation PAME. A new Left formation Syriza emerged opposed to the austerity measures and the EU bailout package. It has won the January 2015 parliament elections getting 149 out of 300 seats and polling 36 per cent of the vote. This is a significant political development. In Spain, the Indignados movement (movement of the indignant) continued and a political force Podemos, which is challenging the mainstream parties, has emerged. Portugal has also seen big working class actions and protest demonstrations. Similarly, in Britain, France, Italy, Iceland and Belgium too there have been large-scale working class protest actions against their respective government’s attacks on the people. Another area where the workers have been holding militant strikes and actions is South Africa, particularly the strike by the platinum and other mining workers. In the US, there have been widespread protests after the Ferguson incident highlighted the racist shooting of young black men in various cities.”Prakash Karat said the US had to agree to allow Cuba to be part of the Summit of Americas. He noted that there are growing trends towards multi-polarity. The political resolution notes that despite its limitations, the consolidation of the BRICS forum is significant in the context of the growing trend towards multi-polarity.He said that in South Asia, the living conditions of the people have deteriorated. He also exposed the threat of fundamentalism which is growing in Pakistan and Bangladesh and also in other parts of the world.The Draft Political Resolution emphasizes that, “struggles against imperialist aggression, the manifold struggles against the neo-liberal order being imposed by imperialist globalisation and the movement to protect the environment and for climate justice should all be welded together to form a powerful anti-imperialist movement.” Prakash Karat said the Party should consistently take up the anti-imperialist agenda. This includes mobilising the people against the growing strategic ties with the US and the ruling classes succumbing to US pressures.  Support should be extended to all anti-imperialist struggles worldwide.Detailing the national situation, Prakash Karat said that we see a rise of Hindutva at a time when the Left has weakened. There is a large scale rise of atrocities on women. Chauvinism is growing. He underscored that we need to work out a political tactical line which squarely meets the right wing offensive.There is a marked pro-corporate shift in the policies of the government. People’s livelihoods are being attacked by the increasing neoliberal offensive. The Modi government’s measures such as the slashing of expenditure on the MNREGA programme, health budget and other welfare expenditure or stepping up of the disinvestment programme, FDI in railways, increasing the FDI cap in defence production, increasing FDI in insurance to 49 per cent by ordinance and relaxing norms for FDI investment in real estate -- all these are a clear reflection of the increasing neoliberal offensive.Prakash Karat underlined that we can fight communalism by taking up people’s issues and fighting on them. We need to integrate the fight against communalism   and the fight against neoliberal economic policies, in order to fight the BJP. “It is by mobilising the people in defence of their livelihood and against the burdens imposed on them by the Modi government and the BJP state governments that the campaign against the communal forces led by the RSS can acquire a mass appeal.”He emphasised on the multifaceted areas of work, because the RSS touches people’s lives through cultural, educational activities. He said we have to seriously think about our work in the sphere of education, and our intervention in other social areas. The trade unions must organize cultural, social activities in workers residential areas.  He pointed out that AAP was able to attract and appealed to youth and urban poor.Prakash Karat exhorted the delegates to fight the BJP and the Congress as well. He said the Party should give utmost attention to expanding its independent role and enhancing its strength and mass base. The Party should stress on united actions on class and mass issues. The class and mass organisations should provide the thrust for united struggles and movements to draw in the masses following the bourgeois parties. He also spoke of the importance of building and widening Left unity, rallying the various classes and working people around the Left and democratic programme so that progress can be made towards forging the Left and democratic front.The draft political resolution concludes with the Call to Build a Strong Party and notes that, “In the critical situation facing the country, it is of paramount importance to build and strengthen the CPI(M). Let us go towards building such a strong Party: By making the Party a vibrant and militant body to carry out the struggles of all sections of the working people; by strengthening the Marxist-Leninist ideological foundations of the Party and by reorienting and strengthening the organisation to fulfill the tasks set out.”Altogether 44 delegates had participated in the discussion on the resolution. Delegates had proposed 473 amendments. Of these 55 amendments were accepted. The Party Congress adopted the Draft Political Resolution on April 18, after a reply to the discussion by Prakash Karat. 

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