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Message From the Fraternal Parties

Message From the Fraternal Parties

Partido Comunista PortuguêsDear Comrades,ON the occasion of the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) we convey warm and fraternal greetings of the Portuguese Communist Party and our wishes of success for the discussion and conclusions of your Congress. We express our confidence that the results of your Congress will contribute to strengthen the organisation and intervention of CPI(M) and your struggle in defence of the Indian working class and people, for peace, democracy, social progress and socialism. We greet all the delegates of your Congress, and all the membership of your Party. In doing so we would like to express our solidarity with the difficult struggles that your Party is waging in the context of the harsh consequences of the capitalist crisis and of the action of the right wing Hindu fundamentalist Party government. We are aware of the difficult conditions in which your Party, and other revolutionary forces are acting, specially after the recent elections. Therefore we want to reaffirm the support of the Portuguese Communists to your struggle in defence of the workersand people’s rights, combating the role of the  reactionary, anti-communist and communal forces and strengthening the Left and democratic forces in India and its unity in action. Dear Comrades,The international situation highlights the importance of the role of Communist Parties in the struggle against the offensive of big capital and imperialism in the context of the deepening structural crisisof capitalism. Today’s reality is demonstrating that the development of the capitalist system after thedramatic defeats of socialism, is, as our parties underlined, causing immense suffering for theworkers and peoples, threatening democracy and attacking entire countries. 70 years after thevictory over nazi-fascism, new dangers as the growth of fascism and militarism are threateningseveral countries and peoples and increasing the risk of a generalised conflict with unpredictableconsequences.As our Parties alerted, namely in the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties thattook place in New Delhi in 2009, the measures and strategy adopted by big capital and imperialismto try to face the crisis of capitalism, brought about a qualitative leap in the exploitation of theworkers and peoples, in the concentration and centralisation of capital, in the attack against social,labour, democratic and sovereign rights, and in the aggressiveness of present-day capitalism. But aswe also pointed in 2009 this strategy is the seed of new and even greater economic and financialcrisis confirming the trend of deepening structural crisis of capitalism.In a context marked by a complex process of realignment of forces, the peoples are faced with arenewed militarist strategy of imperialism, namely by developing several maneuvers ofdestabilisation and external interference, bringing back the spectre of major and catastrophicmilitary confrontations. The situation of generalised war in the Middle East - of which the Saudiwar against Yemen is a new example - and other parts of the world, such as Ukraine, the renewedcounter offensive of imperialism in Latin America – with visible consequences in countries likeVenezuela or Brazil - and the sponsorship, financing and arming by imperialism of brutal terroristgangs, linked to religious fundamentalism and even to traditional fascism, are an eloquentexpression of the level of barbarity of present-day capitalism.In our continent, the European Union increasingly confirms itself as one of the main instruments ofthe imperialist offensive in Europe that seeks to reverse the conquests of the workers strugglesduring the 20th Century and to impose a brutal regression in living standards and in social, economicand even political and democratic rights of the peoples of Europe. The alignment of the EU – NATO's European pillar – with the most war-mongering and aggressive policies of US imperialismconfirms the EU as an imperialist pole at the service of big capital and of the directorate of bigEuropean powers headed by Germany.But as reality is also showing, the peoples of Europe are mobilising in important struggles and areincreasingly rejecting the policies of the European Union and of the Euro. Comrades,In Portugal, our Party is mobilising the workers and other social strata that are profoundly affectedby the crisis and by the anti-people offensive carried out by the right-wing government, inconnivance with the Socialist Party, under the sponsorship of the European Union. The past fouryears have seen an important movement of struggle, marked by several general strikes and nationaldemonstrations, as well as sectoral and local struggles, led by the Portuguese workers' great tradeunion central, CGTP-IN, and also important movements of local communities in defense of publicservices that are being destroyed by policies at the service of domestic and international big financecapital.After the end of the official period of the Troika Memorandum – A real Pact of Aggression againstour people and country - the government and the European Union are now using the supranationalinstruments of EU to try to continue the path of impoverishment and decline of the country in anunprecedented attack against national sovereignty.The next national elections, which will take place in October, will be an important moment of thestruggle against the right wing policy and in the construction of a political alternative based on apatriotic and Left policy - the political proposal of our Party, a policy that will open the way for anadvanced democracy that will affirm the April revolution values in the future of Portugal, stage, partand element of our struggle for socialism in Portugal.We will wage these important struggles with a united Party, geared for action, which is growing andstrengthening its positions, also in electoral terms. We are confident that our people's unity andstruggle will be capable of changing the balance of forces and contribute towards a politicalalternative and a patriotic and Left-wing policy and government.Dear comrades, reaffirming our best wishes for your Congress and reiterating our solidarity, weconfirm you our will to keep strengthening the friendship and cooperation ties that unite our bothParties in the interests of the necessary strengthening of the world Communist and revolutionarymovement and of the anti-imperialist front.Receive, dear comrades our best fraternal greetings. Central Committee ofPortuguese Communist Party  Central Committee, Japanese Communist Party  ON the occasion of the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Japanese Communist Party sends to all the delegates and members our heartfelt greetings of solidarity.We believe that the Congress will create a new momentum for boosting the Party’s strength and expanding the united force of the Left and democratic movements. We also hope that the Congress will have a desired outcome to win struggles against communalism and fundamentalism; to protect and improve living conditions of the people against economic crisis and neo-liberalism; and to preserve democracy, rule of law and security of the people.In Japan, we are making utmost efforts to counter intensified attacks on the peace and welfare of the people. With taking advantages of our increased presence in the Diet, which we gained by victories in both the 2013 Upper House Elections and the 2014 Lower House Elections, we are now firmly opposing the Abe administration’s attempt to turn Japan into a nation waging wars overseas. We are also boldly presenting alternative economic policies to stop another planned consumption tax hike or further deterioration of working and employment conditions.We, the Japanese Communist Party and the Communist Party of India (Marxist), have forged friendship and solidarity over decades and have respected each other’s views and experiences. In this regard, as this year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II and the tragic atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is our hope that the cooperation between us will be further enhanced especially in a global effort toward abolition of nuclear weapons including by starting of international negotiations for a nuclear weapons convention, as well as in our common cause toward a peaceful and just world. Central Committee Japanese Communist Party   Palestinian People’s PartyDear Comrades, ON behalf of the Central Committee of the Palestinian Peoples Party and the Palestinian people, we would like to convey to your Party and the Indian people our best regards and wish your 21st Congress held from April 14-19 all the success. Dear Comrades, We are sure that your Congress will discuss the grave economic crisis and the challenges in front of the Left forces in India. We hope that your Congress will give special attention to the Palestinian issue by re-emphasising your solidarity with the just struggle of the Palestinian People for freedom and independent State within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, and just solution of the refugees’ problem according to resolution 194 of the UN. Dear Comrades, We are looking forward to strengthen the fraternal relations between our two parties and people.                                                                                                             Best Regards                                                                                                           Central CommitteePalestinian People’s Party Greetings from the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)  DEAR Comrades of Communist Party of India (Marxist), The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) salutes the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) – CPI(M). We send our wishes for a successful Congress with great results. Dear comrades,The current international framework is characterised by the structural and systemic crisis of capitalism for the last 7 years. This period is marked by increasing aggressiveness of US imperialism and its allies European Union and NATO, that are promoting conflicts in the Middle East and East Europe. In the entire world, fascist and religious fundamentalist forces are growing.At this phase of capitalism, the financial oligarchy remains ruling the great majority of the countries in the world, in particular in the centre of the system. With the control of these States, they apply neoliberal policies to safeguard profits of financial conglomerates and they transfer the costs of the crisis over to the peoples and the workers. The crisis worsens social inequalities and raises unemployment.  Workers and peoples resist the domination of financial oligarchy and pro-imperialist forces. The world is in a struggle that can result in a transition in the world order. US imperialism is on a trajectory of relative decay and it is maneuvering to relaunch its hegemony aiming to counter this tendency. The political and economic ascension of developing countries like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the countries in Latin America with Left and progressive governments have shown that it is possible to build another world order. BRICS has acted directly to accelerate the transition toward multi-polarization of the international relations. The recent Sixth Summit of BRICS in Fortaleza (Brazil, July 2014) was an important landmark of this movement, creating alternative financial organisations like a bank of development and a fund of reserves to protect national economies.The US-EU-NATO alliance acts to split countries of BRICS. They attempt to approach India in order to isolate Russia, to reduce Chinese influence in its region and in the world and to withdraw the links with the Brazilian government. They threaten countries not allied to its interests like Iran, Syria, DPR of Korea and Venezuela by using sanctions, embargo, blockade, operations aiming at “regime change”, using military forces, the “economic war” and media attacks with false information.In Latin-America and the Caribbean, there is an increase of right-wing and imperialist forces, aiming to put an end to the Left and progressive governments of the region. Three of the most important countries of South America – Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela are passing through critical political situation. It is not a coincidence that the State oil companies of these countries, YPF, Petrobras and PDVSA are the targets of the United States. These countries remain opposed to imperialist interference.In Brazil, the attempt to destabilise the government of Dilma Roussef, although following very specific dynamics of class struggle in the country, is undeniably a broader onslaught of imperialism to try to defeat the progressive cycle already in place for over 16 years in South America. Imperialism operates with direct actions and by providing support to the most powerful sections of the local ruling classes to try to defeat the democratic and progressive political cycle in Brazil and in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Dear comrades,The international situation requires an intense debate, international solidarity and cooperation and unity in action. PCdoB recognises CPI(M) as a party that contributes significantly to the analysis of international political and economic reality. We have excellent relationship and common point of view on many political and ideological issues. In this regard, we wish Indian comrades to carry out a successful 21st Congress.We send our warmest wishes!Long live the Communist Party of India (Marxist)!Long live the 21st  CPI(M) Congress!Long live the friendship between PCdoB and CPI (M)! Renato RabeloNational President of Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)Ricardo Alemão AbreuInternational Relations Secretary of Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) Message of Greetings from Workers’ Party of Korea THE Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea warmly congratulates the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and extends the warm comradely greetings to the whole Party members of your Party through the Congress. We are sure that this Congress will be an important occasion in the activities of your Party to consolidate the Party and to further strengthen the massive foundation of the Party. Availing of this opportunity believing that the good relations of friendship and cooperation between our two parties will be further strengthened and developed in future, we sincerely wish your Party Congress to be a great success. Communist Party Of Sri Lanka  DEAR Comrades,  The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka conveys its warmest revolutionary greetings to the 21st National Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) with best wishes for an eventful Congress. We are conscious of the fact that your 21st Congress is being held at a decisive moment of Indian history in the background of a marked rightwing shift in domestic politics and an increasingly tense geo-political situation in South Asia and West Asia and a volatile global economic crisis.  We are equally aware that the Communist Party of India (Marxist) being the strongest contingent of the International Communist Movement in South Asia is being called upon to play its historic role in guiding the future of our people in the region. We are convinced that the 21st Congress of the CPI(M) will analyse the current political and economic trends in the region objectively and comprehensively and map out its strategy and tactical line in order to meet with the impending challenges. We are extremely happy that your Congress will be deliberating on the ways and means of strengthening Left and Democratic forces in the country, in the background of the recent right-wing shift and electoral setback. In the last decade, the situation in South Asia has drastically and sharply deteriorated as a consequence of the neo-liberal policies pursued by the governments in all the countries. South Asia is increasingly facing challenges posed by poverty, inequality and insecurity. The region is ridden with ethnic strife and religious fundamentalist trends. The dark forces of communalism, chauvinism and religious fundamentalism are being nurtured and nourished by the imperialist forces through the Western funding agencies and NGOs. These are common issues faced by the Left movements in all South Asian countries. The 30 year old ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka came to an end in 2009.  Despite the efforts of Left and radical forces, we failed to use this historic opportunity offered by the termination of the war, to bring about a lasting national reconciliation. The interferences and interventions by the Western powers also contributed in large measure towards the strengthening of extremist forces both Sinhala and Tamil.                     The new presidency was brought about by a combination of numerous irreconcilable shades of ideological and political opinion - Right - Centre - Nationalist - Pro-Left.  Since it is headed by the pro-imperialist right-wing, it is committed to far-more right-wing neo-liberal economic policies. In so far as the Left is concerned, we are lending our critical support to the new government in so far as they pursue positive policies on the National Question and National Reconciliation. The Western powers are increasingly influencing the new regime to use Sri Lanka against China. The sharp divisions within the ranks of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party are being exploited by the pro-imperialist forces to bring in a stronger right-wing regime at the impending general election. The political situation is therefore complicated, confusing and fluid. The Left is striving to prevent a far more right-wing regime being installed. The contradictions within the new regime are being intensified. In this context, we believe that your 21st  Congress will be a source of strength and inspiration to the Left forces in Sri Lanka. We take this opportunity to express our firm determination and wish to develop and strengthen further the fraternal relations between our two Parties. Long live 21st Congress of CPI (M)!Long live International Communist Movement!Long live friendship between Sri Lanka and India! Comradely yours,              Dew GunasekaraGeneral SecretaryCOMMUNIST PARTY OF SRI LANKA    

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